Creating custom spreadsheets

If one of the many Object spreadsheets provided, does not meet your specific case needs, you can create a custom sub-object spreadsheet. You can create as many custom spreadsheets as you like. Each custom spreadsheet name must be unique and requires both a singular and plural name. Adding a new spreadsheet does not affect any current spreadsheet views or any filter currently applied to a spreadsheet.

New custom spreadsheets contain five default fields: Full Name, Short Name, Role In Case, Key, and # Facts. You can add additional fields to the new spreadsheet as needed.

When a new spreadsheet is added, you can begin using it as you would other spreadsheets. You can send data to it immediately using the Send to CaseMap tool. And you can create a report from the current view to add to an existing ReportBook.

Adding custom spreadsheets is an exclusive process. All other users must be logged out of the case in order to perform this task. Custom spreadsheets can be added to the master case. You cannot add custom spreadsheets to a replica case or a SQL case.


hmtoggle_plus1To create a new custom spreadsheet
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the All Shortcuts bar to view the all Object spreadsheets.
2.Click on the Spreadsheet icon CM_objects_spreadsheet_icon next to Objects.

You can also click on the Tools menu and then click Customize Object Spreadsheet.

3.In the Customize Object Spreadsheets dialog box, click the Add Spreadsheet button CM_add_spreadsheets_button.

Customize Objects Spreadsheets

4.In the Add Spreadsheet dialog box, type in a singular and plural name for the spreadsheet.

Add Spreadsheet

Once you type in the singular name, CaseMap automatically fills in a suggested plural name for you.

If the new spreadsheet name ends with an "e", you can type an "s" at the end of it to make it plural.

5.Click OK to continue.

The new spreadsheet now displays at the bottom of the Objects spreadsheet list.

7.Click Close to save your changes.


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