About cases

Before you can start working in CaseMap, you first need to create a case to store information regarding the matter. Cases are actually databases designed to help you organize and analyze data in preparation for depositions and trial.  Each case contains spreadsheets that are distinct to the various information types you choose to track and analyze information. You can create as many cases as needed for the various cases your organization is working on. Each case is saved on your network in folders and can be opened in CaseMap on your desktop.

Case staff will need a CaseMap license and have the software installed on their desktop. To access cases assigned to them, case staff need to be added as users in each case as well as have access to the network folder where the case is stored.



Do not select the Open Exclusive option in the Case Logon Options dialog box unless you are performing administrative tasks. Doing so locks out all other users until the case is closed and re-opened with regular user permissions.



For more information on how to create SQL cases and add users to SQL cases, refer to your CaseMap Server documentation.


hmtoggle_plus1Identify local cases by the column icon

Local cases are identified by the column icon when they are stored in network folders. The case file name is the name of the case database file.


hmtoggle_plus1Create local cases based on templates

Cases may be created manually by supplementing with pre-built templates or by copying a previous case into CaseMap and then customizing it for a particular new case.

For more information, see Creating case templates.

hmtoggle_plus1Use passwords to protect local case integrity

New local cases are not protected by passwords until you or other users create them. Passwords automatically default to blank, so you can type in a password, verify it, and then click OK to save it. We strongly recommend that you encourage all local case users to set passwords the first time they logon. Cases are saved in network directly folders to ensure that multiple users can access the case. You can further protect the local cases by setting user access permissions to folders that contain case information.



User passwords for SQL cases are required and are set for each user in the CaseMap Admin Console by the system administrator. Users may change SQL case passwords in TextMap in the same way they do for local files.


For more information, see Changing passwords

hmtoggle_plus1Work in multiple cases simultaneously

CaseMap allows you to open one case at a time per active application window. If you need to access more than one case simultaneously, you can launch additional CaseMap windows to open them. Case names display in the CaseMap title and status bars so you can differentiate between them while working.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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