Using the Bulk Issue Linker

The Bulk Issue Linker tool allows you to link all records in a spreadsheet view to one or more issues at one time, as opposed to linking individual case records to one or more issues as you analyze records. This tool is useful when you sort a spreadsheet to view  only those records you want to link to a particular issue. Then you can run the utility to link all spreadsheet records in view to one or more issues of your choosing.



We recommend that you make a backup copy of the case before making any global changes, like linking multiple records at one time. Restoring a backup copy is the only way to undo global changes to case data.


hmtoggle_plus1To use the Bulk Issue Linker
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the spreadsheet icon you need.
2.Perform search filters and/or sort the spreadsheet to contain only those records you want to link to a set of issues.
3.On the Tools menu, click Case Tools and then click Bulk Issue Linker on the submenu.
4.In the message box, click OK.
5.In the Bulk Issue Linker box, click on the check boxes for the issue(s) you want to link to the records displayed in the spreadsheet.

Bilk Issue Linker dialog box

6.Click OK to link the records to selected issues.
7.In the message box to confirm the linking, click Yes.
8.In the confirmation box, click OK.

All records in the spreadsheet should now display all selected links in the Linked Issues cells for each record.

Notice that the # Issues cell also displays the number of links for each case record.


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