Synchronized Transcripts

After importing synchronized transcripts into your case, Sanction provides a way to easily navigate and manage transcript tasks.


You can easily navigate between the following panes:

Transcript synchronization
Add a New Clip
Edit Existing Clips




When you move from one tab to another, the last clip you worked on is selected. If no work has been done in the pane, nothing is selected. All tasks are kept separate from another.


You can work with synchronized transcripts in the following ways to enrich presentations:

Add and clear timestamps as well as jump to specific locations in the media file in the transcript.
Add information about editing clip properties as well as transcript properties.
Add them directly into presentations. There are several methods for accomplishing this. A common way to add synchronized transcripts is described in Adding and Removing Items. Other methods, more typically used to add synchronized transcripts during presentations. are described in Using the Show Item Command, and in Controlling Item Presentation.
Create media clips with synchronized text playback.
Add media clips taken from synchronized transcripts to playlists and presentations.
Hide or show the synchronized text in presentations. If you choose to show synchronized text, you can specify its position on screen, font characteristics, the number of lines to display, and highlighting options. You can also modify the timing, name, and other properties of the clips you create from transcripts.
Create text clips and video stills. For more information, see: Text Clips and Video Stills.



hmtoggle_plus1Working with synchronized transcripts

Sanction provides a built-in tool to search for clips, manage playback speed, and to manage timestamps.

You can search, filter and navigate existing clips to find specific clip information.

1.On the HOME tab, click the Transcripts navigation bar.
2.On the Transcript Synchronization tab, enter a term in the clip list search box.


3.Click the magnifying glass in the search box.

A list of result(s) of your search term is displayed.

You can sort and navigate the clips by doing the following:

Filter by clip name
Filter by clip description
Navigate to the next hit by using the mouse or the up and down arrows

Playback speed can be managed from all three tabs when working with synchronized transcripts by clicking the synchronized_transcript_playback_speed button.

The following playback speed options are available:

.5 speed
1 x speed
1.5 x speed
2 x speed

You can adjust timestamps in synchronized transcripts to prepare for video presentation.

Timestamps can be removed and added. You can also jump to a specific line in the transcript.

1.Click the Clear all timestamps button.
2.When the warning message appears to remove the timestamps, click OK.

The timestamps are removed from the transcript.


Once the timestamps have been removed, the clip(s) will need to be synchronized to the text once the timestamps have been reapplied.

1.Select the location in the text transcript to begin timestamping.
2.Set the video to the same location.
3.Click the Add timestamp button.

You can also press the spacebar.

4.Play the video.
5.Click the Add timestamp button when the first word of each new line is spoken.

You can also press the spacebar to add the timestamp.

You can quickly jump to a specific location in your transcript that has timestamps applied.



The transcript has to be partially or fully timestamped to use the “Jump to” feature.


1.On the Transcript Synchronization pane, click the Jump to button.

The text associated with the timestamp is highlighted.

2.If there is no timestamp associated, you can begin timestamping the remainder of the video. Do one of the following:
Click Yes to begin timestamping from the last location
Click No to continue viewing the video at the last selected location



hmtoggle_plus1To add a new media clip from a synchronized transcript

You can create individual clips in your synchronized transcript. This allows you to set the start and end times for a clip(s).

It is also possible to create multiple clips at a time by importing a clip list file. For more information on creating and importing clip list files, see: Clip Lists for Synchronized Transcripts.

1.On the HOME tab, click the Transcripts navigation bar.


2.Select the synchronized transcript that you want to create a clip from.

The media player and clip creator open next to the transcript.

3.Specify the start and stop times of the clip from the Add a New Clip tab by using one of the following methods:



By selecting transcript text

1.Select the lines of transcript that you want in the clip.
2.Right-click the selection and then click New Media Clip.


The media player starts playing the video at the start of the selection and pauses playback when the end of the selection is reached. The Start and Stop times are also populated accordingly.

3.Type a name for your clip. Note that the description field is auto-populated with the page and line numbers of the clip.
4.Edit the description as necessary and then click Save.

The clip is visible in the media clip list.

By typing the page and line numbers (Quick Clip)

1.Type the page and line range of the clip into the Quick Clip field and then press Enter.


The Start- and End time of the page and line range are populated in their respective fields. The Description field is populated with the Page and line range.


2.If necessary, you can more precisely adjust the timing of your clip. For more information see the procedure To precisely edit the timing of a clip in this topic.
3.Type a name for the clip, and optionally, edit the clip description, and then click Save.

The clip is visible in the media clip list.



You can use any of the following formats to indicate the page/line range for the clip:





For example, 4:14-4:17 starts the clip on page 4, line 14 and ends it on page 4, line 17.


By using the play button and the media slider

Use the play button and media slider to move to set the Start and End times.


1.Move the slider to the desired position or play the video and click the Clip icon clip_icon_transcript_manager to set the Start time.
2.Move the slider to the end point of the clip or continue to play the video and click the Clip icon clip_icon_transcript_manager to set the End time.
3.The Start- and End time of the page and line range are populated in their respective fields. The Description field is populated with the Page and line range.
1.Type a name for the clip, and optionally, edit the clip description, and then click Save.

The clip is visible in the media clip list.


hmtoggle_plus1To precisely edit the timing of a clip

As you create a new clip or edit an existing clip, you can precisely adjust the start or end of the clip.

The method of accomplishing this is to begin playing the clip at a position slightly ahead of the desired start time or end time. Then, as playback proceeds, you click the left right or mouse buttons at the exact position where you want the clip to start or end.

1.Click ClipReplayButton to start playing the clip again from the start.
2.Click the ClipGoBack3SecondsButton to start playing the clip 3 seconds before the end of the clip.
3.Depending on whether you want to change the start or the end time, perform the following mouse operations on the start time field or the end time  field:


Click the left mouse button on the field to move the time back 1 second, or press Shift+click to move the time back 1/10th of a second.
Click the right mouse button on the field to advance the time 1 second, or press Shift+right click to advance the start time 1/10th of a second.
Note that these actions cause playback to immediately resume.
4. Click OK to save changes or Click Cancel if you do not want to save the changes.



You can view the instructions on how to edit a clip within application by clicking the link beside Clip Information.

hmtoggle_plus1To add clips from a synchronized transcript to a playlist or presentation
1.On the HOME tab, click the Transcripts navigation bar.
2.Select the transcript that has the clip you want to add to a presentation or playlist.
3.In the clip list, select the clips you want to add to a presentation or playlist.
4.Select from one of the following options:

To do this:

Follow these steps:

Add clips to a presentation

Do one of the following:

On the ribbon in the Add To group, click Presentation, and then select the presentation you want to add the clips to.
Right-click the clip selection, click Add to Presentation, and then select the presentation you want to add the clips to or add to a new presentation.

Add clips to a playlist

Do one of the following:

On the ribbon in the Add to group, select Playlist, and then select the playlist you want to add the clips to.
Right-click the selected clips, click Add to Playlist, and then select the playlist you want to add the clips to or add to a new playlist.
hmtoggle_plus1To preview a synchronized transcript clip
1.On the HOME tab, click the Transcripts navigation bar.


2.Select the transcript that has the clip you want to preview.
3.In the clip list, do one of the following:
Double-click the clip.
Select the clip you want preview and then click the play button on the media player.

The clip video plays in the media viewer.

hmtoggle_plus1To rename or edit the properties of a clip
1.On the HOME tab, click the Transcripts navigation bar.
2.Select the synchronized transcript that has the clip you want to rename or edit.
3.In the clip list, follow steps of the changes you want to make:



Rename the clip

1. Do either of the following:

On the ribbon, in the Actions group, click Rename.
Right-click the clip, and then click Rename.

2. Type the new name, and then press Enter.

Edit clip properties

1. Do either of the following:

On the ribbon, in the Actions group, click Edit.
Right-click the clip, and then click Edit.

The clip properties dialog box opens.

2. Edit properties as necessary then click OK.

hmtoggle_plus1To rename or edit the properties of a synchronized transcript

You can edit the first and last pages (bookmark), as well as rename and edit additional properties of a synchronized transcript.



1.On the HOME tab, click the Transcripts navigation bar.
2.Select the synchronized transcript that you want to rename or edit.
3.Follow the steps of the changes you want to make:



Rename the transcript

1. Do either of the following:

On the ribbon, in the Actions group, click Rename.
Right-click the selected transcript, and then click Rename.

2. Type the new name, and then press Enter.

Edit clip properties

1. Do either of the following:

On the ribbon, in the Actions group, click Edit.
Right-click the selected transcript, and then click Edit.

The clip properties dialog box opens.

2. Edit properties as necessary then click OK.

hmtoggle_plus1To set presentation options for synchronized transcripts
1.Open the Sanction Options dialog box using either of the following methods:

To configure options from this window:

Follow these steps:

Main program window

On the FILE tab, click Options.

Presentation window

In the presentation window, select the presentation options icon.


2.Click Presentations, and then scroll down to the Synchronized Text section of the dialog box.


3.Configure options as needed. These are described as follows:

Main option


Synchronized Text

Select this option to show synchronized text in the item window. Text appears below the media player.

Lines to Display controls the number of lines of text that are shown. The number can range from 1 to 10.
Synchronized Line specifies the line that holds the currently playing text.
Lines to Highlight specifies the number of lines to highlight.
Font Settings specify the font, size and color of the text.
Background Color specifies the background of the text field that displays the synchronized text.
Highlight Color specifies the color that is applied to the currently playing line of transcript.

Synchronized Text As Overlay

Select this option to overlay synchronized text  on top of the media player.

Font Settings specify the font, size, color, background color and opacity of the text.

Hide Synchronized Text

Select this option to hide synchronized text so that it does not appear at all.

4.Click OK.


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