Displaying Items

From within the presentation window, you can select items for presentation in the following ways:

Move between items in a linear sequence like a slide show.
Pick items from a list.
Type the item name, exhibit number, trial exhibit number, or Bates number. Using this method, you can type into a visible search box, or blind type the search. Either way, if the item that you type was not already included the presentation, it is added to the end of the presentation.


hmtoggle_plus1To display items in a sequence
In the far right side of the presentation toolbar, click PresentationWindowNextItem.

The presentation advances to the next item.

Note that at the start of the presentation, until the forward button is clicked, the previous button is inactive. When the last item in the presentation is reached, the forward button becomes inactive.

By default, when the presentation window is set to a display mode of Side By Side, 2 Across, or 4 Quadrants, the next item and previous item buttons focus on the most recently opened item window. However, you can configure the buttons to operate on whichever item window you want.

For more information, see: Displaying Multiple Item Windows.

hmtoggle_plus1To pick items from a list
1.In the presentation window, click the item selector button.


2.Select Go to Item.


3.Select the item you want to display.
4.The item appears in the presentation window.
hmtoggle_plus1To display items by typing

In the presentation window, do either of the following:

Type the item name, exhibit number, trial exhibit number, or Bates number, depending on which item property the search box is configured to accept and then press Enter.
1.In the presentation window, click the item selector button.


2.Select Show Item.

The search box opens in the presentation tool bar.


3.Type the item name, exhibit number, trial exhibit number, or Bates number, depending on which item property the search box is configured to accept, and then press Enter.

The item opens in the presentation window. If the item was not already a part of the current presentation, it is added to the end of the presentation.



If a matching item is not found, a warning icon appears on the presentation task bar, but the state of the presentation window does not change otherwise.



To resolve this, here are some things to try:

Check the spelling of the item.
Check the search properties to determine which field the search box is set to accept. For example, the search will probably yield an error if the search box is set to accept the item name and you type a Bates number. To access search box options, see: Setting Presentation Options.


hmtoggle_plus1To configure blind typing

Blind typing is enabled by default. The following procedures tells you how to make sure that blind typing is enabled and that the search function is set to the item property you want to search by.

With blind typing, all you do to display an item is type its name, exhibit number, trial exhibit number, or Bates number, depending on which item property the search is configured to accept.


1.To enable blind typing, from the presentation window, click the Presentation Options button.


2.In the Sanction Options dialog box, uncheck Show Search Text Box.
3.Verify whether the property type that is selected in the Search By list is the one that you want to search by.


4.Click OK.
5.In the presentation window, type the item name, exhibit number, trial exhibit number, or Bates number, depending on which item property the search box is configured to accept.
6.Press Enter.

The matching item is displayed in the presentation window. If the item is not already part of the presentation, it is added to the end.



If a matching item is not found, a warning icon PresentationWindowBlindTypingErrorIcon appears on the presentation task bar, and the state of the presentation window does not change.


To resolve this, here are some things to try:

Check the spelling of the item.
Return to the Sanction Options dialog box and then verify the property type is set to the one you want to search by.



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