Managing overlapping fact boxes

As you build a timeline, it is common to run into situations where the dates of the facts you are charting cause fact boxes to overlap. As you insert new facts and modify fact dates, TimeMap automatically uses its Auto-Arrange feature to move facts horizontally and vertically, add new pages, and insert time scale breaks to help solve any overlapping problems. If you are ever unhappy with the results of Auto-Arranging, TimeMap's Undo feature can instantly put things back the way they were. For more information, see Using the Auto-Arrange feature.

Sometimes Auto-Arrange solves all overlapping problems. Other times, Auto-Arrange solves some but not all overlapping problems. You may need to manually change positions of fact boxes, insert additional time scale breaks, or rework the number of pages. If these actions do not solve the overlapping problem, you may be trying to fit too much information into a single timeline and you will need to use more than one timeline to tell the story.

Review the following  list for solutions you can use to address overlapping Fact boxes in your timeline.


hmtoggle_plus1Increase the width of the time scale

We recommend no more than ten fact boxes to a timeline page. A fact count displays on the Status bar at the bottom of TimeMap. Divide the fact count by ten to estimate the number of pages wide the time scale should be. The time scale of a single timeline can be up to 100 pages wide. If you have 200+ fact boxes in a single timeline, you should break the chart into a series of timelines. See the last item listed.

To increase the width of the time scale, click on the Increase Pages Wide option on the Time Scale menu. This will increase the number of pages for your timeline. See Changing time scale width.

hmtoggle_plus1Reposition fact boxes

Fact boxes can be moved up and down vertically and can face left or right. Fact boxes can also be dragged to the left and right off of the vertical line that connects them to the time scale.

To reposition a fact box, drag it to a new location in the timeline. See Changing fact box direction and Moving timeline elements.

hmtoggle_plus1Adjust the height and width of fact boxes

Tinkering with the height and width of individual fact boxes often helps solve overlapping problems.

To adjust the size of a fact box, select the box you want to adjust. Place your mouse pointer over the small square that appears on the side or bottom of the selected box. Your mouse pointer will display a double-headed arrow. Click and drag to a desired width or height.

See Changing fact and text box layout.

hmtoggle_plus1Adjust the width and location of the time scale

The width and location of the time scale can be altered, making it easier to group fact boxes. For example, reduce the width of the time scale and drag it to the right of the page. This placement opens up space to the left of the time scale where a first set of fact boxes can be stacked.

The width of the time scale can be changed by selecting Compress or Expand on the Time Scale menu. You can also point to the right edge of the scale, then click and drag it to the left or right. The time scale can be repositioned by clicking the time scale and dragging it to a new location.

See Moving the time scale and Changing time scale width or height.

hmtoggle_plus1Insert time scale breaks

Sometimes a timeline chart includes periods of inactivity due to time gaps between the facts being graphed. When this situation arises, consider inserting a time scale break to condense empty space.

See Inserting time scale breaks.

hmtoggle_plus1Reduce the amount of text in fact boxes

If your fact boxes contain a lot of information, consider editing the text into succinct statements. This will save space in the timeline and product a chart that is easier to read and understand. To edit fact text, double-click on the fact box.

hmtoggle_plus1Eliminate non-critical fact boxes

Consider reviewing all fact boxes to determine whether they are essential to the timeline content you want to communicate. Delete any Fact boxes that do not meet this criticality test. In doing so, you will solve overlapping problems while making the timeline more effective. To delete a fact box, select it and press Delete.

hmtoggle_plus1Break the timeline into a series of timelines

After trying the above suggestions, you may find that your timeline still contains too many fact boxes. It may be time to break the timeline into a series of visuals rather than trying to force all information onto one chart. You can copy a group of fact boxes into a new timeline.

See Copying fact boxes to new timelines.


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