Positioning timeline elements

TimeMap offers a number of items on the Box Tools Format ribbon to assist in arranging the position of timeline elements.


Positioning Options



Align Top

Positions the tops of all selected elements at the same vertical position as the first element chosen.

Align Bottom

Positions the bottoms of all selected elements at the same vertical position as the first element chosen.

Align Left

Positions the left side of all selected elements at the same vertical position as the first element chosen.

Align Right

Positions the right side of all selected elements at the same vertical position as the first element chosen.

Center Vertically

Moves a selected group of elements so they are equal distance from the top and bottom of the chart.

Center Horizontally

Moves the selected group of elements so they are equal distance from the left and right of the chart.

Distribute Vertically

Positions selected elements in equal increments from the element with the highest vertical position to the one with the lowest. You must select three or more elements to use this feature.

Distribute Horizontally

Positions selected elements in equal increments from the element with the highest vertical position to the one with the lowest. You must select three or more elements to use this feature.

Bring to Front

Places the selected element of a layered stack of graphics or text on top  for better visibility and emphasis.

Send to Back

Sends the selected element to the bottom of a layered stack of graphics or text, so that other graphics and text cover it.


hmtoggle_plus1To position timeline elements
1.Click the element you want to use as the basis for alignment.
2.Press Shift and click on the other elements you want to align to the first element you selected.
3.On the Box Tools Format ribbon, choose from the Alignment or Position options that help you adjust alignment and visibility for selected elements.


You can also right-click, and on the submenu, click Position, and then click the alignment or position option you want:



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