What's New in CaseMap

The following enhancements are included in the CaseMap version 10 release. For more release information, see the Release Notes.


CaseMap v10.3


hmtoggle_plus1OCR Image PDFs with Bates Stamps

CaseMap now performs OCR processing on image-only (no text) PDFs with Bates stamps and other short header and footer text.

hmtoggle_plus1Needs OCR column added to Linked File Index Status

CaseMap now provides a new "Needs OCR" column on the Indexed tab of the Linked File Index Status dialog box that allows you to identify documents that need OCR processing.

For more information, see Viewing linked file index status.

hmtoggle_plus1Skipped PDF tab added to Linked File OCR Status

CaseMap now provides a new "Skipped PDF" tab in the Linked File OCR Status dialog box that displays PDF documents for which OCR processing has been skipped.

For more information, see Viewing linked OCR file OCR status.


CaseMap v10.2


hmtoggle_plus1Send documents to Sanction 3.5 or later as exhibits

CaseMap now allows you to send documents to Sanction 3.5 or later as exhibits. You can send one document at a time or send all of the documents in the current spreadsheet view.


CaseMap v10.1


hmtoggle_plus1Store case data using Microsoft SQL Server

Leverage the performance of a Microsoft® SQL Server® database while still taking advantage of all of the great new features in CaseMap version 10. Coupled with an updated version of the CaseMap Server, administrators can create and manage SQL cases, as well as assign permissions for many of the new features.

hmtoggle_plus1Viewing linked files in the native application instead of DocManager

DocManager can now be configured so that files can be viewed in their native applications rather than automatically displaying in the DocManager file viewer. To automatically view linked files in the native application, click Tools, then click Options and then clear the Open Linked Files in DocManager check box.

For more information, see Viewing documents and images.

hmtoggle_plus1Use the Search Link Assistant to simplify searches for object and issue names

The Search Link Assistant makes it even easier to search case data by automatically searching for links to objects and issues with names that match the search criteria. Take advantage of the benefits of using short names for linking without complicating your searches.

The Search Link Assistant is enabled by default, but you can turn it off from the Tools > Options > Searching tab if you want more precise control over what the search includes.

For more information, see About searching.


CaseMap v10.0


hmtoggle_plus1View linked files in the DocManager near native viewer

CaseMap is integrated with the new DocManager near native image viewer. Use DocManager to review and annotate documents and images without having to open the source file in its native application. Annotations can also have searchable notes that edited later. Annotation notes display as search results findings when the notes match the search query.

When a search is run in CaseMap, search hits will be highlighted in DocManager allowing for easier content review and navigation between search hits. Once content is reviewed and annotated, the annotations and notes are automatically saved. When printing annotated files, there is an option for including annotations and notes when printing to PDF.

For more information, see About DocManager.

hmtoggle_plus1Benefit from OCR processing of linked files

CaseMap automatically performs OCR (optical character recognition) processing on linked image files and PDFs so that the text content can be indexed for full-text searching. CaseMap runs the OCR process in the background while staff continue working in the case file. The OCR process also makes it possible to select, copy, and annotate text in DocManager when viewing these linked files.

For more information, see About OCR processing.

hmtoggle_plus1Use the new Import Linked Files Wizard to bulk import files

Use the new Import Linked Files Wizard to import one or more files into a spreadsheet at one time. CaseMap automatically creates new records for each file while linking to the source file saved in a network folder.

Use the wizard to import a folder of files, including files saved in subfolders. The Import Linked Files Wizard is the quickest and easiest method of populating a CaseMap case with multiple documents at one time.

For more information, see Importing linked files.

hmtoggle_plus1Send facts from Microsoft Outlook emails

Use CaseMap's Outlook plug-in to send emails from Microsoft® Outlook 2007 and 2010 to a CaseMap v10+ case. In Outlook 2007, the Send to CaseMap features display on a CaseMap menu as a toolbar button and as a CaseMap ribbon. In Outlook 2010, it displays as a CaseMap ribbon. The Outlook plug-in is optional during CaseMap installation.

For more information, see Send email to CaseMap.

hmtoggle_plus1Send facts and documents from Microsoft Word

Send fact text and documents directly from Microsoft® Word 2007 and 2010 (32-bit versions). The Send to CaseMap features display on a CaseMap ribbon within Word. The Word plug-in is optional during CaseMap installation.

For more information, see Sending Word documents to CaseMap.

hmtoggle_plus1Create custom spreadsheets

CaseMap now provides the ability to create custom sub-object spreadsheets. New custom spreadsheets contain five default fields: Full Name, Short Name, Role In Case, Key, and # Facts. Additional fields can be added to the new spreadsheet as needed.

When a new spreadsheet is added, it can be used just like any other CaseMap spreadsheet. Data can be sent to it immediately using the Send to CaseMap tool. All reporting options are also available on new spreadsheets.

For more information, see Creating custom spreadsheets.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn about more spreadsheet features

CaseMap offers more customization options for spreadsheets than ever before, including the ability to:

Rename many sub-object spreadsheets to best suit organizational needs.
Delete spreadsheets from the Case Shortcuts pane.
Change the spreadsheet display order in the Case Shortcuts pane.

For more information, see Renaming spreadsheets, Deleting spreadsheets, and Changing spreadsheet display order.

hmtoggle_plus1Batch print linked files

CaseMap's DocManager add-in includes a Batch Print Wizard that allows for printing documents linked to object spreadsheets, research spreadsheets (Authorities and Extracts from Authorities spreadsheets), and the Facts spreadsheet. Linked documents can be printed to a printer, or PDF or TIFF file. The wizard provides an option for removing any documents from the selected batch prior to printing.

If documents are annotated, the Batch Print Wizard includes an option to print to PDF with or without annotations and notes or burn the annotation as a permanent part of the content (without notes). The annotation color for printing annotations can be also be modified.

The Batch Print Wizard also provides the ability to apply Bates stamps to documents included in the printed output. Various Bates stamp settings allow for customizing the Bates number, the stamp style, and its placement on the printed document.

For more information, see Batch printing linked documents.

hmtoggle_plus1Print reports with embedded files

Reports and ReportBooks can now be printed with embedded files when printing to a PDF file. Reports with embedded links to attached files can now be shared with others who do not have access to CaseMap or the case.

CaseMap will only embed files that are in the Linked Files field in the object spreadsheets or the Authority and Extracts spreadsheet or Source(s) field for the Facts spreadsheet. During the print process, large documents or confidential documents can be removed.

Once the report is printed to PDF, spreadsheet records with linked documents or files will display a paperclip icon. Clicking the paperclip icon opens the linked document in a new window, in its native application.

For more information, see Embedding linked documents in reports.

hmtoggle_plus1Print search results from three different report options

The new Search Results pane contains three report options for printing search results: Search ReportBooks, Linked File Text Hits Report, and Review Linked File Hits. The latter two reports are offered as part the of the DocManager add-in program.

For more information, see Printing a Search ReportBook, Printing a Linked File Text Hits Report, and Viewing a Review Linked File Hits report.

hmtoggle_plus1Search spreadsheets, linked file content, and annotations

CaseMap now offers full-text search capabilities for spreadsheet records and linked files. Full-text searching also includes the ability to search annotation notes, restrict searches to select spreadsheets, and re-run recent searches. Full-text searching in CaseMap supports many of the common search operators used to produce precise search results.

Search results display in a new Search Results pane with a list of each spreadsheet that contains field text hits or linked files with search hits. The number of search hits returned for each spreadsheet also displays. Use the Narrow Results pane to view only those records that contain hits for spreadsheet fields, linked file text hits, or annotation note hits.

Selecting a spreadsheet in the Search Results pane displays the records with hits from that spreadsheet. Linked files that contain search hits display a file icon that opens the linked file. Annotated records with notes that contain search hits display an icon in an Annotation Note Hit column. Annotated notes can be previewed in a pop-up window when a mouse pointer is placed over the icon.

For more information, see About searching.

hmtoggle_plus1Review general user-interface changes
The Total Litigator pane was removed from the Navigation pane. Data from LexisNexis online tools can still be sent to CaseMap.
The DocPreviewer pane was removed from the Navigation pane. DocPreviewer features still exist in CaseMap and can be accessed using menu options.
The Search option on the Records menu now displays "Filter". CaseMap no longer uses "filtering" and "searching" interchangeably.



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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