Batch printing linked documents

The Batch Printing Wizard allows you to print documents linked to an objects spreadsheet, research spreadsheets (Authorities and Extracts from Authorities spreadsheets), and the Facts spreadsheet. You must be viewing the spreadsheet from which you want to print documents before the batch printing options are enabled. You can only batch print from one spreadsheet at a time. You must have permission to save files to a selected folder when printing to PDF or TIFF.


Batch printing options include:

Wizard to Printer
Wizard to PDF
Wizard to TIFF


The Batch Print Wizard allows you to:

Review documents in the batch, and remove any you do not want to print
Select color and annotation options
Apply Bates stamps to the printed output
Choose your printed output




The Batch Print Wizard is part of the DocManager add-in program. If you have not purchased DocManager, you cannot use this feature. Contact your CaseMap account representative at 866-316-8525 or visit to learn more information about this product.



hmtoggle_plus1To review batch printing considerations

Review the Batch Printing Considerations table to learn more about using this feature.

Batch Printing Considerations


When printing from the Facts spreadsheets, CaseMap loads all documents for any object linked to a fact record into the batch for printing.

When printing from an objects or research spreadsheet, CaseMap loads all documents in the Linked File field into the batch for printing. If an object is linked to multiple facts, the document is only selected once for printing.

If any filters or searches are currently running in a spreadsheet, CaseMap loads only those documents linked to records in the current spreadsheet view.

Files print in the order they display on the selected spreadsheet (as opposed to file name order). When printing from the Facts spreadsheet, files print in the order they first display. If a document is linked to a fact record multiple times, it will only be selected once for printing. If multiple documents are linked to a a single fact, the documents will be listed in a random order in the Batch Print Wizard.


Burning annotations as a permanent part of the image prints the annotations in color into the PDF or TIFF file. This option does not allow annotation notes to be viewed in the printed output.

Printing annotation notes in the PDF or TIFF output allows users to view the notes when the mouse pointer is placed over the annotation.

Select a custom print color for annotations. This color can be different than the color used when the annotations were applied. The color selected for printing applies to all annotations in the document batch. For example, if users apply annotations using green and pink colors and yellow is selected as the annotation print color, then all annotations will print highlighted in yellow.

Case staff must have permission to save files to a selected folder when printing to PDF or TIFF. If they do not have folder permissions, users should select another folder or contact their system administrator for assistance.

Bates stamping

Documents with Bates stamps applied increment by one number for each consecutive file printed.

If you are applying Bates stamps to PDFs or TIFFs and you have documents with multiple pages, then the Bates stamp numbering increments to include the number of pages in documents. For example, if you have five documents, and three of the documents have three pages each, then the files names should be DOC-000001.pdf, DOC-000004.pdf, DOC-0000010.pdf, and DOC-0000013.pdf.

Applying a Bates stamp with the Batch Print Wizard does not remove previous Bates stamps applied to the document with another tool or application, like Adobe Acrobat.


hmtoggle_plus1To batch print to a printer
1.On the File menu, select Batch Print Wizard.
2.On the submenu menu, click To Printer.
3.When the Batch Print Wizard launches, click Next.
4.In the Review Documents dialog box, review the documents you want to print from the current spreadsheet.

Batch Print Wizard > Review Documents

If you want to remove a document from batch, select the document in the Documents to print box, then click the Remove button.

5.Click Next to continue.
6.In the Document Content Colors dialog box, select a document content color option:
Use the original document content colors
Convert all of the document content colors to grayscale
Display text in the document in black

Batch Print Wizard > Document Content Colors

7.Click Next to continue.
8.In the Annotations dialog box, select whether you want to print annotations.

Bath Print Wizard > Annotations

If Yes, click on the color for which you want annotations to print in the Color list.

9.In the Apply Bates Stamp dialog box, select whether you want to apply Bates stamps to the printed documents, then click Next.

Batch Print Wizard > Apply Bates Stamp

10.In the Bates Stamp Options dialog box, select your Bates stamp options.

Batch Print Wizard > Bates Stamp Options

11.In the Prefix field, type in a prefix (optional).

The prefix precedes each Bates stamp number and can be any combination of letters, numbers, or punctuation.

12.In the Start At field, type in the start number for the Bates numbering.

The starting Bates number must be greater or equal to the number one.

13.In the Digits list, click on the number of digits you want for preceding zeros.

This number defaults to six.

14.Review the updated Bates stamp numbering scheme in the Starting Bates stamp area.
15.In the Font list, click on the font type you want to use.
16.In the Size list, click on the font size you want to use.
17.For the Style check boxes, click if you want Bold or Italic.
18.In the Location list, click the location where you want the Bates stamp to print.
19.Click the Shrink document to fit the Bates stamp check box, if you need this option.

If selected, the document content is resized so the Bates stamp does not overlap document content in the printed output.

20.Click Next to continue.
21.In the Output Destination dialog box, select the printer you want to use in the Printer list.

Batch Print Wizard > Output Destination

Do not select a printer that generates files. Otherwise, the printer will prompt you to save a file for every document printed.

23.Click Next to continue.
24.In the Review Options and Start dialog box, review your selected options, then click Next.
25.In the Complete box, review the number of documents that printed successfully, then click Finish.

Batch Print Wizard > Complete

hmtoggle_plus1To batch print to PDF
1.On the File menu, select Batch Print Wizard.
2.On the submenu menu, click To PDF.
3.When the Batch Print Wizard launches, click Next.
4.In the Review Documents dialog box, review the documents you want to print from the current spreadsheet.

Batch Print Wizard > Review Documents

If you want to remove a document from batch, select the document in the Documents to print box, then click the Remove button.

5.Click Next to continue.
6.In the Document Content Colors dialog box, select a document content color option:
Use the original document content colors
Convert all of the document content colors to grayscale
Display text in the document in black

Batcch Print Wizard > Document Content Colors

7.Click Next to continue.
8.In the Annotations dialog box, select whether you want to print annotations.

Batch Print Wizard > Annotations

If Yes, click on the color for which you want annotations to print in the Color list.

9.Select how you want to add annotations to the PDF files:
Create PDF comments that include annotation notes
Make the annotations a permanent part of the content
10.In the Apply Bates Stamp dialog box, select whether you want to apply Bates stamps to the printed documents, then click Next.

Batch Print Wizard > Apply Bates Stamps

11.In the Bates Stamp Options dialog box, select your Bates stamp options.

Batch Print Wizard > Bates Stamp Options

12.In the Prefix field, type in a prefix (optional).

The prefix precedes each Bates stamp number and can be any combination of letters, numbers, or punctuation.

13.In the Start At field, type in the start number for the Bates numbering.

The starting Bates number must be greater or equal to the number one.

14.In the Digits list, click on the number of digits you want for preceding zeros.

This number defaults to six.

15.Review the updated Bates stamp numbering scheme in the Starting Bates stamp area.
16.In the Font list, click on the font type you want to use.
17.In the Size list, click on the font size you want to use.
18.For the Style check boxes, click whether you want Bold or Italic.
19.In the Location list, click the location where you want the Bates stamp to print.
20.Click the Shrink document to fit the Bates stamp check box, if you need this option.

If selected, the document content is resized so the Bates stamp does not overlap document content in the printed output.

21.Click Next to continue.
22.In the Output Destination dialog box, click the Browse button to navigate to the network folder where you want the files saved.

Batch Print Wizard > Output Destination

23.Select the naming convention for the printed PDF files.
Use the starting Bates stamp as the file name
Use the document's original or default file name
24.Click Next to continue.
25.In the Review Options and Start dialog box, review your selected options, then click Next.
26.In the Complete box, review the number of documents that printed successfully.

Batch Print Wizard > Complete

27.Click the link Click here to open the output folder to review the printed output.
28.Click Finish to close the wizard.
hmtoggle_plus1To batch print to TIFF
1.On the File menu, select Batch Print Wizard.
2.On the submenu menu, click To TIFF.
3.When the Batch Print Wizard launches, click Next.
4.In the Review Documents dialog box, review the documents you want to print from the current spreadsheet.

Batch Print Wizard > Review Documents

If you want to remove a document from batch, select the document in the Documents to print box, then click the Remove button.

5.Click Next to continue.
6.In the Document Content Colors dialog box, select a document content color option:
Use the original document content colors
Convert all of the document content colors to grayscale
Display text in the document in black

Batch Print Wizard > Document Content Colors

7.Click Next to continue.
8.In the Annotations dialog box, select whether you want to print annotations.

Batch Print Wizard > Annotations

If Yes, click on the color for which you want annotations to print in the Color list.

9.In the Apply Bates Stamp dialog box, select whether you want to apply Bates stamps to the printed documents, then click Next.

Batch Print Wizard > Apply Bates Stamp

10.In the Bates Stamp Options dialog box, select your Bates stamp options.

Batch Print Wizard > Bates Stamp Options

11.In the Prefix field, type in a prefix (optional).

The prefix precedes each Bates stamp number and can be any combination of letters, numbers, or punctuation.

12.In the Start At field, type in the start number for the Bates numbering.

The starting Bates number must be greater or equal to the number one.

13.In the Digits list, click on the number of digits you want for preceding zeros.

This number defaults to six.

14.Review the updated Bates stamp numbering scheme in the Starting Bates stamp area.
15.In the Font list, click on the font type you want to use.
16.In the Size list, click on the font size you want to use.
17.For the Style check boxes, click whether you want Bold or Italic.
18.In the Location list, click the location where you want the Bates stamp to print.
19.Click the Shrink document to fit the Bates stamp check box, if you need this option.

If selected, the document content is resized so the Bates stamp does not overlap document content in the printed output.

20.Click Next to continue.
21.In the Output Destination dialog box, click the Browse button to navigate to the network folder where you want the files saved.

Batch Print Wizard > Output Destination

21.Select the naming convention for the printed PDF files.
Use the starting Bates stamp as the file name
Use the document's original or default file name
22.Click Next to continue.
23.In the Review Options and Start dialog box, review your selected options, then click Next.
24.In the Complete box, review the number of documents that printed successfully.

Batch Print Wizard > Complete

25.Click the link Click here to open the output folder to review the printed output.
26.Click Finish to close the wizard.


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