Deleting spreadsheets

Deleting a sub-object spreadsheet from the Case Shortcuts pane permanently removes it from the case. Any data in the spreadsheet will also be deleted. If you need to save a copy of the data, you may want to export it before deleting the spreadsheet.

Primary object spreadsheets cannot be deleted, including: All Objects, Persons, Organizations, and Documents.

Deleting a spreadsheet is an exclusive process. You cannot delete a spreadsheet in a master case where the spreadsheet exists in an outstanding replica case.



When you delete a spreadsheet or case record, CaseMap also deletes all annotations in linked files associated with the records and/or spreadsheets. CaseMap then flags the annotated record for deletion. The next time you rebuild the case index, the annotated record will be deleted from the case. Similarly, if you change a linked file in a record to point to another linked file, CaseMap will flag the annotated record for deletion in the case the next time the index is updated.



hmtoggle_plus1To delete a spreadsheet
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the All Shortcuts bar to view all Object spreadsheets.
2.Click on the Spreadsheet icon CM_objects_spreadsheet_icon next to Objects.

You can also click on the Tools menu and then click Customize Object Spreadsheet.

3.In the Customize Object Spreadsheets dialog box, click the Delete Spreadsheet button CM_delete_spreadsheet_button.

Customize Object Spreadsheets

4.In the message box, click Yes to confirm the action.

The spreadsheet no longer displays in the All Shortcuts pane.

Click Close to save your changes.



You can also right-click on the sub-object spreadsheet you want to delete and click Delete Spreadsheet. Follow Steps 3-5 to complete the procedure.




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