About searching

CaseMap allows you to quickly search case data because it automatically creates a comprehensive index during the import process. You can search and locate all instances or "hits" of your search terms in spreadsheet records, linked files, and annotation notes.

Search terms can be more than one word. They can also be numbers, text phrases, or a combined use of terms and search operators. A search term is typed into the Search field with results displaying in the Search Results navigation pane and in the Search Results spreadsheet pane.

You can click on each spreadsheet listed in the Results pane of the Search Results navigation pane to view only those records and linked files that contain your search terms. Search hits found in linked files can be viewed in CaseMap's DocManager file viewer. Search hits found in annotation notes can be previewed in the Search Results spreadsheets pane and viewed in full in DocManager. For more information, see Viewing search results.


There are two levels of searching in CaseMap:

Basic Searching — performing single word searches and locating all instances of the term in spreadsheet fields, linked files, and annotation notes.

For more information, see Running basic searches.

Advanced Full-Text Searching — performing searches with two or more search terms or phrases that gain stronger, precise search results.

Advanced searches can be also be run in the Full Text Search dialog box, which also allows you to restrict the spreadsheets you want to include in the search.

For more information, see About full-text searches, Using search operators, and Running full-text searches.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn why some words are skipped in searches

When running a search, CaseMap skips the most common words in the English language (and, but, is, if, the). These words are referred to as noise words and are words you would generally not try to locate in a search query.

CaseMap comes with a pre-defined list of noise words that it skips while indexing case information after files are imported. Noise words are automatically excluded from a case index. Eliminating these words from the index ensures that searches run faster and more efficiently.

For more information, see About the case index.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn how CaseMap finds more links to objects and issues

The Search Link Assistant finds links to object and issue names matching words in a search query. The Search Link Assistant is a new feature in CaseMap v10.1+.

On rare occasions, a search term may match too many object or issue names to allow expanding the search. If this happens, you should modify the search term to be more specific (such as eliminating wildcards) to limit the number of matches in your search results. For example, a search for haw* may locate too many matching object and issue names. You could then modify the search to hawkins to limit the number of search hits.


hmtoggle_plus1To disable the Search Link Assistant
1.On the Tools menu, click Options.
2.In the Options dialog box, click the Searching tab.
3.Clear the Enable Search Link Assistant for full-text searching check box.
4.Click OK to save your changes.



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