Viewing search results

After a search is run, search results display in two areas in CaseMap: the Search Results pane and the spreadsheets pane. Search results include matches for field text located in spreadsheet records, text in linked files, and text found in annotation notes for linked files.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn about the Search Results navigation pane


Search Results navigation pane


The Search Results pane has four parts:

Search field — Allows you to type in full-text search terms (displays in Case Shortcuts pane too).
Narrow Results pane — Allows you to view only those search hits found in spreadsheet fields, linked file text, or annotation note text. The number of search hits found for each displays to the right of the results. Check or clear one or more check boxes to view results for the updated selections.
Results pane — Displays all spreadsheets that contain records or linked files with search hits. The number of search hits located for each displays to the right of the spreadsheet name.
Resources pane — Provides access to three search results reports.

When you are finished viewing your search results, click on the Case Shortcuts button to return to the spreadsheet you were last using. If you click on the Search Results button again, you will see results for the last search query run.

For information about printing search results in reports, see Printing search reports.

hmtoggle_plus1Viewing records with spreadsheet hits

Once a search is run, the spreadsheets pane lists all records and linked files that contain search hits. When you run a search, a status bar displays at the top of the spreadsheets pane, indicating that a search query was run. The status bar displays the number of records located for the spreadsheet you are currently viewing.


Search Results spreadsheet pane


The spreadsheet pane displays the first 20,000 records located when a search is run. If a search query locates more than 20,000 records, a message displays indicating which spreadsheets have exceeded this total. This total does not reflect linked file hits, only the spreadsheet record total.

Click on a spreadsheet in the Results pane of the Search Results navigation pane to view only those records and linked files. You can also click the View menu and then click Search Results to navigate spreadsheets.

Select check boxes in the Narrow Results pane to view only those search hits found in spreadsheet fields, linked file text, or annotation note text.


Review the following spreadsheet record icons to find where search hits are located and how to access them. Icon columns for search hits only display when check boxes in the Narrow Results pane are selected.


For each spreadsheet record, the following icons displays (if applicable):

Linked File Paperclip — Displays a paperclip icon CM_paperclip_icon next to any record that has linked files. Click the paperclip icon to view the list of linked files.
Tag — Displays a maroon tag icon CM_tag_icon next to records that meet the tag criteria.
Linked File Text Hit — Displays a file icon CM_linked_file_iconI CM_linked_file_iconII next to records having linked file text hits for the current search. Click on the file icon to open the linked file document.
Annotation Note Hit — Displays an annotation icon CM_annotation_icon next to records having annotation note hits for the current search. Place your mouse pointer over the icon to view a pop-up box with a preview of the note, its starting page number, and the number of hits located in the annotation. Click on the annotation note hit link to view the linked file that contains the annotation and view the note in the Edit Annotation dialog box. The linked file and annotation notes are viewed in DocManager.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn about viewing search hits in DocManager

CaseMap's DocManager near native file viewer allows you to annotate documents and images linked to case records. DocManager also allows you to review and navigate highlighted search hits located in the linked files.

To learn more about these features, see About DocManager and Viewing documents and images.


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