Running full-text searches

When running a full-text search, you also have the option to restrict what spreadsheets you want to include in the search or re-run a recent search. Search results display in the Search Results pane and the spreadsheet window, just as they do when you run a basic word search.

For more information on how to formulate an advanced full-text search, see Using search operators.


hmtoggle_plus1To run a full-text search
1.In the Search field, type in your search query and then click the Full Text Search button CM_search_fulltext_search_button.

You can also click the Records menu and then click Full Text Search.

If the Search field is empty and you click the Full Text Search button, the Full Text Search dialog box will open.

2.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click the Terms tab.

Full Text Search > Terms tab

3.In the Search Text box, type in your search query.

Notice that the Link Assistant tool is automatically turned on when you are typing.

Select a short name from the list and press Enter to add the short name to your search query.

4.Click the Spreadsheets tab to restrict your search to only include selected spreadsheets.

Full Text Search > Spreadsheets tab

5.Clear the check boxes for any spreadsheets you want to omit from the search.

Clear the Select All check box to clear all spreadsheets and then select those that you want to include in the search.

6.Click OK or press ENTER to initiate the search.

The Search Results pane now lists all spreadsheets that include files with search hits. The number of search hits displays for each spreadsheet.

The Search Results window displays records for the first spreadsheet listed.


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