About Bates stamping

Bates stamping is the process of applying a set of identifying numbers to a document collection of PDFs to label and identify them.

You can use DocPreviewer to apply a Bates stamp to documents — even if you don't import them into a case spreadsheet. DocPreviewer's CaseMap Bates Stamp Utility opens each PDF file and then stamps each page of the document. You can apply Bates stamps to individual PDF files or a set of PDF files. You can define Bates number sequences. DocPreviewer automatically saves the sequences for future use.


The Bates stamp utility is accessible from the following locations:

Acrobat > CaseMap DocPreviewer menu > Bates Stamping > Bates Stamp PDFs
Tools menu > Linked Files > Batch Processing > Bates Stamp Linked PDFs



CaseMap's DocManager add-in program allows you to Bates stamp files using the Batch Print Wizard. See About DocManager and Batch printing linked documents.



We recommend that you create and store a backup copy of all your original PDF files before making any changes to them. Even though you can restamp the documents, if needed, it is always good to have an unaltered original stored in case something happens to the stamped or marked up version.




hmtoggle_plus1Review Bates stamping features

Reference the following table for Bates stamping features and descriptions.

Bates Stamping Overview

There is no limit to the number of PDF files that can be Bates stamped using DocPreviewer.

The maximum Bates label length is 34 characters, including the prefix.

Bates labels can be placed anywhere on a document page.

Bates stamp label sizes cannot be minimized. Experimenting with this image may damage it.

You can create your own prefix style in the CaseMap Bates Stamp wizard when you select the Create new case numbering format option. Prefixes are counted in the maximum character length of 34.

You can choose the following options: font style and size, and the location of the Bates label on the PDF file. You can also choose whether a white background (default) is used behind the stamp. These options are available in the CaseMap Bates Stamp wizard in the CaseMap Bates Stamp wizard when you select the Create new case numbering format option.

* By default a white background in placed behind a Bates number so that it can be easily seen in a PDF file. You can turn this option off by clicking the Edit button on the Review Case Bates Numbering Format page of the wizard. Under Miscellaneous at the bottom of the box, clear the Fill Bates Number background solid white selection or check box.

Manage Bates numbering formats in Acrobat by clicking CaseMap DocPreviewer button > Bates Stamping > Manage Bates Numbering Formats. You must close all PDF files before you can access this tool.

Additionally, you can edit Bates numbering formats in the CaseMap Bates Stamp wizard on the Review case Bates Numbering format page and then click the Edit button.

During a bulk import of PDFs using the Import PDFs utility, DocPreviewer automatically loads the Bates begin and end numbers, as well as the page count for each document into the case record in the Documents spreadsheet.

* CaseMap can only identify Bates stamps created by DocPreviewer or Adobe® Acrobat, not those created by other Bates stamp tools.

The Bates Stamps PDFs utility can only recognize CaseMap and Acrobat Bates stamps. And it can only replace CaseMap Bates stamps.

The Bates Stamp PDFs utility recognizes PDFs already containing a CaseMap or Acrobat Bates stamp and ignores these documents during Bates stamping by default. If you choose to re-stamp PDFs containing CaseMap Bates stamps, the original stamps will be deleted and replaced with the new stamps. To re-stamp PDFs, clear the Ignore PDFs that are already Bates Stamped check box on the bottom of the Select the PDF file you want to Bates stamp dialog box in the CaseMap Bates Stamp utility.
The Bates Stamps PDFs utility recognizes Acrobat Bates stamps but cannot remove or replace them. If you choose to stamp PDFs containing Acrobat Bates stamps, the original stamps will remain, resulting in multiple Bates stamps on the PDFs.

If a value is changed in either the Bates - End or Pages fields in the Documents spreadsheet, the other field is then synchronized and adjusts its values accordingly.



hmtoggle_plus1Learn how to Bates stamp PDFs after they are linked into CaseMap

Bates stamping in CaseMap and DocPreviewer are slightly different processes although they are part of the same add-in tool.

Please review the following before Bates stamping PDFs:

You can use the Send PDFs to CaseMap wizard to import PDFs into a case to create records in the case that are linked to the PDF source files — without Bates stamping the files.
If you have already applied a Bates stamp to PDFs using DocPreviewer, you will have the option to import the Bates numbers into CaseMap.
If you import PDFs into a case before applying a Bates stamp, then subsequently use DocPreviewer to Bates stamp them, you can run the Send PDFs to CaseMap utility again to update the existing document records with the Bates begin and end numbers.



The CaseMap Bates Stamp utility only modifies PDF files, it does not create a backup copy of the files. If you want a backup copy, you must do this before Bates stamping.



hmtoggle_plus1Perform OCR processing for PDF files prior to Bates stamping

We recommend that you perform any Optical Character Recognition (OCR) processing prior to Bates stamping PDF files.

Current versions of Adobe Acrobat misinterpret the Bates numbers applied by DocPreviewer, as well as those applied by different products. Acrobat identifies the Bates stamp by all these tools as added text and so assumes the PDF file has been OCR processed and will not allow it to be OCR processed again. Because of this, we recommend that you always OCR process PDF files before applying a Bates stamp in Acrobat or in CaseMap or DocPreviewer. If a PDF file only contains images (no text), you will not be able to OCR process the files in Acrobat once they have a CaseMap Bates stamp.

If you Bates stamp PDF files that you originally decided not to OCR process, and later change your mind, you will need to remove and then re-apply the Bates stamps. This process can be done, but it requires some time and effort. If you need to remove and replace Bates stamps, contact CaseMap Support for assistance.

hmtoggle_plus1Address multiple Bates numbering issues before importing documents

If you have a set of documents that already have Bates numbers applied to them, you want to follow certain steps so that you can track the original Bates numbers while applying your own Bates stamp to the documents when the are imported into the case.

For example, when opposing counsel sends you its documents, the documents may already have Bates stamp and production numbers applied to them. You will want to track the original Bates numbers as well as stamp the documents with your own Bates numbering format. And you will probably not know what tool was used to Bates stamp the produced documents.

Bates stamping scenarios:

If the documents are Bates stamped using a tool other than CaseMap, then CaseMap cannot read the numbers and they will not be imported into the case. You may need to manually enter the original Bates number for each document into each document record in the case in order to track it. We recommend that you create two new fields to store the documents' original Bates numbers.
If the documents are Bates stamped using CaseMap's Bates stamping tool in DocPreviewer, then CaseMap will read the Bates stamp and import the numbers directly into the Bates - Begin and Bates - End fields for these document records. However, this numbering format will not match your organization's Bates numbering scheme and so you will need to apply your own Bates stamp to this set of documents.

We recommend that you follow the steps outlined here to import a set of documents in manner that retains the original Bates numbers and also lets you apply Bates stamp of your own.

1.First create two new spreadsheet fields to store the original Bates numbers of these document records.

For example, you may want to add a prefix like "Opp" or "Org" to identify these Bates numbers as being the originals applied by opposing counsel (Org Bates - Begin or Opp Bates - Begin). See Creating custom fields.

2.Using the Import PDFs tool in DocPreviewer, bulk import the documents (PDF files) into the case spreadsheet where you want to store them. See Importing PDFs.

Notice that by default the original Bates numbers automatically populate the Bates - Begin and Bates - End fields after the bulk import.

3.Next use the Bulk Field Copy tool to copy the original Bates numbers from the Bates - Begin and Bates - End fields to the new custom fields you created, like Opp Bates -Begin and Opp Bates - End. See Making global replacements.
4.Now use the Bates Stamp PDFs tool in DocPreviewer to apply your Bates numbering format to the same set of documents. See Bates stamping PDFs.

Clear the Ignore PDFs that are already Bates Stamped check box in the wizard to ensure that you are not skipping any documents.

You will want to place your Bates stamp in a different location than the original to reduce confusion between them.

5.Next bulk import the same set of documents into the case again, and be certain to select the Overwrite existing destination CaseMap field values with PDF values check box in the import wizard so the new Bates number metadata will overwrite the original values. See Importing PDFs.

The document records are now updated with your organization's Bates numbering scheme, which automatically populates the Bates - Begin and Bates - End fields for those same document records.

The Import PDFs utility recognizes PDF files that are already imported into the case and will not create duplicate record entries, but will update document record fields with new metadata (like Bates numbers).

6.Return to the spreadsheet that contains these records to verify that both sets of Bates numbers are populated in the appropriate fields.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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