Lesson Three - Report

With CaseMap, you can create instant professional work product with a few mouse clicks and output to paper, PDFs, or Microsoft® Word. Your case analysis reports will become the raw materials that make it far easier to generate documents required by the court. For example, your Fact Chronology will make it easy to create Motions for Summary Judgment and to produce the list of facts to you are willing to stipulate and are needed for many pre-trial motions.

CaseMap reports use the What-You-See-is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) principle, so what is displayed in your spreadsheet view is the same as what you see in your report. Click the Print Preview button on the tool bar to see a preview of your report. A title page is automatically created for you when you print or preview the report. You can customize the title page by clicking Page Setup dialog on the File menu.


hmtoggle_plus1Change the spreadsheet to modify the report

If you want to adjust the look of report, all you need to do is change your spreadsheet view by re-arranging, inserting, or hiding fields.

Right-click on its field header (title) and select Hide Field on the menu.

When you hide a field, you're not losing any of the data, you're just temporarily removing it from view.

1.Right-click any field header and select Insert Field(s) on the menu. A list of available fields will be displayed.
2.Then check the box(es) next to the fields you want to add to your spreadsheet and click OK.

Left -click on the field header, hold your mouse button down and drag it.

Release your mouse button to drop the field in a location in the spreadsheet.

For more information, see Changing spreadsheet elements, Creating spreadsheet views, Inserting/hiding fields, and Moving fields.

hmtoggle_plus1Choose from a variety of print output options

CaseMap allows you choose from a variety of output options when you print a report.

Use the Reports menu to print reports or ReportBooks. A ReportBook is a compilation of saved case analysis reports (spreadsheets) that includes a title page, confidentiality statement, table of contents, introduction, and report title pages. The Reports menu lists all reports and ReportBook options.


You can print reports and ReportBooks to the following:

Network printer
Print Preview
PDF files (which you can save or email)
LexisNexis TimeMap*
LexisNexis NoteMap*
Microsoft® Word* or Corel® WordPerfect*
Microsoft® Excel*


Reports marked with an asterisk must be installed on your machine in order to print reports to these applications. Word, WordPerfect, and HTML reports can be viewed in Grid View (fields horizontal) or Record View (fields vertical).

To print reports and ReportBooks, see About printing reports and Printing pre-built ReportBooks.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn more about reports and ReportBooks

A ReportBook is a compilation of saved case analysis reports (spreadsheets) that includes a title page, confidentiality statement, table of contents, introduction, and report title pages. You can print and manage ReportBooks from the Reports menu. You can create custom ReportBooks by changing the text and graphics (by clicking the Manage ReportBooks menu option). ReportBooks can be printed, previewed, or converted to PDF file to save or email.

CaseMap also provides standard reports that you can print with the help of a wizard. Standard reports that you can print directly from the Reports menu include:

Privilege Log Wizard — facilitates production of a report listing documents you've marked as privileged under attorney-client, attorney work product, or any privilege type you determine.
By Issue Report Wizard —  allows you to create a comprehensive report of all the records on any spreadsheet (except Issues) linked to a selected issue or set of issues. You can output the report to Word, WordPerfect, or HTML.
By Object Report Wizard — allows you to create a report of grouped objects, for example:  facts grouped by document, facts grouped by person, documents grouped by person, and more.
Summary Judgment Wizard — allows you to prepare Motions for Summary Judgment, Statements of Disputed Material Facts, and Memoranda In Opposition court filings.


To create reports and Reports, see About creating reports and About ReportBooks.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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