About creating reports

Case spreadsheets are the raw material that makes up your CaseMap reports — many of which are required by the court. With a few mouse clicks, you can create professional reports instantly in Adobe® Acrobat, Microsoft® Word, or just printing them on paper.

Using the Facts spreadsheet you can easily turn your fact chronology into Motions for Summary Judgment and produce the list of facts that you're willing to stipulate for pre-trial motions.

CaseMap reports use the What-You-See-is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) principle, so what is displayed in your spreadsheet view is the same as what you see in your report. By clicking the Print Preview button on the toolbar, you can instantly see how your spreadsheet data will look in report form.


With CaseMap, you have three primary means of creating reports:

Standard Reports — Basic spreadsheet reports are what you get when you click the Print button on any spreadsheet. What appears in the report is data from the fields and records in your current spreadsheet view.
Pre-built Reports — CaseMap includes four pre-built reports that you can easily produce using a wizard: Privilege Log, By Issue Report, By Object Report, and a Summary Judgment. Access these reports from the Reports menu. See Save time by printing a pre-built report.
ReportBooks — ReportBooks are compilations of case analysis spreadsheets rolled together in a polished package that includes a title page, table of contents, introduction page, and spreadsheet reports (each with their own title page). CaseMap has several pre-built ReportBooks that are part of every new case on you can build your own custom templates by copying or modifying a re-built ReportBook.

For more information, see About ReportBooks.


hmtoggle_plus1Save time by printing a pre-built report

CaseMap offers four pre-built reports that you can easily produce using a wizard. Reports can be printed to Microsoft® Word, Corel® WordPerfect, or HTML.

CaseMap Pre-built Reports

Report Wizards


Privilege Log

Facilitates the production of a report listing documents you have marked as privileged under attorney-client, attorney work product, or any privilege type you determine.

By Issue Report

Creates a comprehensive report of all the records on any spreadsheet (except Issues) linked to a select issue or set of issues. The data output for the report can be sent to Word, WordPerfect, or HTML.

By Object Report

Creates an organized report by object groups: facts grouped by document, facts grouped by person, documents grouped by persons, etc.

Summary Judgment

Helps you prepare Motions for Summary Judgment, Statements of Disputed Material Facts, and Memoranda In Opposition court filings.

hmtoggle_plus1Add title pages for polished reports

CaseMap reports all print with a default title page to produce a polished work product. You can decide whether to include a title page for your reports. And you can customize the content and look of title pages to suit the needs of your organization.

For more information, see Adding/editing report title pages.

hmtoggle_plus1Embed linked documents in reports

Embedding linked documents in reports and ReportBooks printed to PDF files allows you to share the report and supporting files with others who do not have access to CaseMap or the case. Once the report or ReportBook is printed to a PDF file, spreadsheet records with linked documents or files will display with paperclip icons next to them. Clicking the paperclip icon opens the linked document in a new window and in its native application.

Fore more information, see Embedding linked documents in reports.

hmtoggle_plus1Import reports to reuse spreadsheet views and custom fields

You can import a saved report that contains spreadsheet views or custom fields that you want to use in another CaseMap case. Doing so save you time in rebuilding a spreadsheet view or recreating a custom field in a new case.

For more information, see Importing text files.

hmtoggle_plus1Save exported reports in network folders

We recommend that you save exported copies of reports and ReportBooks in a Reports folder on your network. This allows other case users to access these reports for reference and tracking purposes. Reports saved to your computer are not accessible by other users.

For more information, see Exporting spreadsheet data, Exporting/importing ReportBooks.


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