Exporting/importing ReportBooks

You can export a ReportBook by saving it to a definition file that can be read by CaseMap. A ReportBook definition file contains the layout of a CaseMap ReportBook. The file does not contain any case data or reports.  CaseMap ReportBooks files have a .cmrbk extension. When you import this file into CaseMap, CaseMap will create a new ReportBook from the definition file.



Before deleting or modifying a ReportBook from a case, you may want to save a backup copy in the network folder where you store reports and other case information. Once you delete a ReportBook, the only way to restore it is to retrieve it from a backup of the case.


hmtoggle_plus1To export a ReportBook definition to a file
1.On the Reports menu, click ReportBooks.
2.On the shortcut menu, click ReportBook Tools, then click Export and Import, and then click Save a ReportBook Definition to a File.
3.In the Select a ReportBook dialog box, click on the ReportBook you want to export to a file, then click OK.
4.In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the folder where you want to store the output file, then click Save.
5.In the message box to confirm the export, click OK.

The ReportBook file is now saved in the folder you selected.

hmtoggle_plus1To email a ReportBook definition
1.On the Reports menu, click ReportBooks.
2.On the shortcut menu, click ReportBook Tools, then click Export and Import, and then click Email a ReportBook Definition.
3.In the Select a ReportBook dialog box, click on the ReportBook you want to email, then click OK.

A Microsoft® Outlook email automatically launches with the ReportBook file included as an attachment. The email also includes an explanation of the ReportBook file and how to import it into a CaseMap case.

You can now email the ReportBook to recipients who want to import this layout and use it in another case.

hmtoggle_plus1To import a ReportBook definition from a file
1.In CaseMap, open the case for which you want to import a ReportBook file.
2.On the Reports menu, click ReportBooks.
3.On the shortcut menu, click ReportBook Tools, then click Export and Import, and then click Import a ReportBook Definition from a File.
4.In the Select a ReportBook Definition file to Import dialog box, navigate the folder where the file is stored and select it, then click Open.
5.In the message box to confirm the import, click OK.

The imported ReportBook file is now listed in the Availabe ReportBooks box in the Manage ReportBooks dialog box.

You can now generate this ReportBook to gather date for this case.



To import a ReportBook .cmrbk file, you must have CaseMap v5.0 or higher installed on your computer.



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