Managing ReportBooks

ReportBook management is centrally located in the Manage ReportBooks dialog box, where you can create and print ReportBooks as well as copy, modify, and delete reports included in ReportBooks.


Managing ReportBooks involves the following:

Renaming ReportBooks
Copying ReportBooks
Editing ReportBooks
Deleting ReportBooks
Deleting reports from a pre-existing ReportBooks
Choosing to show/hide other users ReportBooks


For information on creating or modify ReportBooks, see Creating custom ReportBooks.


hmtoggle_plus1To rename a ReportBook
1.On the Reports menu, click ReportBooks and then click Manage ReportBooks.
2.In the Manage ReportBooks dialog box, select the ReportBook you want to rename in the Available ReportBooks box.
3.Click the Rename button.
4.In the Rename ReportBook dialog box, type in the new name for the ReportBook, then click OK.

Notice that the new ReportBook name displays in alphabetical order in the Available ReportBooks box.




ReportBook name changes are visible by all users of the case. If you change the name of a pre-existing or widely used custom ReportBook, be certain to notify staff of the new ReportBook name.



hmtoggle_plus1To copy a ReportBook
1.On the Reports menu, click ReportBooks and then click Manage ReportBooks.
1.In the Manage ReportBooks dialog box, click on the ReportBook you want to copy in the Available ReportBooks box.
2.Click the Copy button.

Notice that a copy of the selected ReportBook now displays in the Available ReportBooks box with "Copy of" in the title.

You can now rename the ReportBook and modify it, as needed, to create a customized ReportBook.

hmtoggle_plus1To edit or modify a report or ReportBook

You can easily edit or modify a ReportBook or a report within a ReportBook.

For more information, see Creating custom ReportBooks.

hmtoggle_plus1To delete a ReportBook
1.On the Reports menu, click ReportBooks and then click Manage ReportBooks.
2.In the Manage ReportBooks dialog box, click on the ReportBook you want to copy in the Available ReportBooks box.
3.Click the Delete button.
4.In the message box to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

Notice that the ReportBook no longer displays in the Available ReportBooks box and is permanently removed from the case.



Before deleting a ReportBook from a case, you may want to export a copy and archive it with other case records. The only way to retrieve a deleted ReportBook is to restore it from a backup copy of the case.



hmtoggle_plus1To delete a report from a pre-existing ReportBook
1.On the Reports menu, click ReportBooks and then click Manage ReportBooks.
2.In the Manage ReportBooks dialog box, click on the ReportBook you want to modify in the Available ReportBooks box.
3.Click the Modify button.
4.In the Customizing ReportBook dialog box, click the Reports button.
5.In the ReportBook Reports dialog box, select the report you want to remove from the ReporBook and then click the Delete button.
6.In the message box to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

All selected reports are deleted from the ReportBook.

7.Click OK to save the changes.
8.Click OK to continue.
9.Click Close when you are finished.


Before deleting a report(s) from a ReportBook, you may want to export a copy of the report(s) and archive it with other case records. The only way to retrieve a deleted report included in a ReportBook is to restore it from a backup copy of the case.

hmtoggle_plus1To hide other user's ReportBooks

When users in a case create, copy, rename or edit a ReportBook, the new ReportBooks are listed in the Manage ReportBooks dialog box for all users to view and use.

If you want to scale the listing down to view only pre-built ReportBooks and those created by you, select the Hide ReportBooks from other users check box.


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