Printing pre-built ReportBooks

When you click the Reports menu and then click ReportBooks, you will see a shortcut menu listing the eight pre-built templates that you can use immediately. You can copy and customize each pre-built template to use as a starting point for additional ReportBook templates.

Each of the eight ReportBooks include a cover page, confidentiality statement, table of contents, introduction, and report-specific title pages. Data in each ReportBook will change substantially over time as case data grows and changes. These reports are designed for case staff to use as picks and shovels during case analysis. They are intended to be refined and updated as the case evolves.



If CaseMap cannot find data for a ReportBook, it will skip the report and display a message indicating which of the reports within the ReportBook is empty. This can occur when a case is in its initial stages or when you run a filter tied to a report and no data is located. If you are using the Table of Contents, the report is automatically adjusted so that it references only those reports generated with content.


hmtoggle_plus1To review pre-built ReportBook descriptions

Reference the following table for a complete listing and description of the pre-built ReportBooks available.

CaseMap Pre-built ReportsBooks



Case Summary

Use to produce an overview report for case staff meetings or share with clients to keep them apprised of case progress. Contains a summary report for each primary spreadsheet. The default report order is: Issues, Cast of Characters - Persons, Cast of Characters - Organizations, Fact Chronology, Document Index, Open Questions, Research - Authorities, and Research - Authority Extracts.

Facts & Docs Grouped by Person

Includes a Statement of Confidentiality, Table of Contents, Introduction, Cast of Characters - Persons, Facts by Person (all facts associated with everyone in the case of characters with linked facts), and Documents by Person (documents linked to players in the case as authors/recipients, etc.).

Facts Grouped by Docs & Proceedings

Includes a Statement of Confidentiality, Table of Contents, Introduction, Facts Grouped by Document (all of the facts sourced from case documents), and Facts Grouped by Proceedings (all of the facts sourced from case proceedings).

Facts, Docs & Law Grouped by Issue

Contains reports for Fact by Issue, Documents by Issue, and Research - Authorities by Issue.

Issues, Cast of Characters, Facts, Key Documents

Contains the four reports identified in the name: Issues, Cast of Characters, Facts, and Key Documents.

Key Players, Facts and Documents

Contains three reports: Key Persons and Organizations, Key Facts, and Key Documents.

Mark Me Up

Use to get your case analysis started after meeting with a new client. Use your notes to create an initial Cast of Characters, Document Index, and Fact Chronology for the case. Print the Mark Me Up report for your client to review for errors and complete with additional field information for potential sources and document descriptions.

What's New in the Last 14 Days

Includes all new records (not updated records) entered in the case in the two weeks prior to when the ReportBook is run.



When you import the Intake Interview Form into a case, CaseMap automatically creates a ReportBook of the client information. A message box alerts you to review the report after the utility has completed the data import. We recommend that you save a copy of the report along with other  casereports for reference purposes.


hmtoggle_plus1To print pre-built ReportBooks

The steps for printing a ReportBook are the same for each. Simply choose the ReportBook you want and then click the print option on the shortcut menu or using print options available within the Print Preview window.

1.On the Reports menu, click ReportBooks.
2.On the shortcut menu, click the report you want and then click Preview.
3.In the Print Preview window, click the Prior Page or Next Page buttons CM_print_preview_page_buttons to navigate the ReportBook.
4.Review the ReportBook reports to verify the content that prints in each.
5.Also review the ReportBook's Title Page, Confidentiality Statement, and Introduction to think of how you might customize the content for your organization.
6.To print the ReportBook, choose from the following methods:

In the Print Preview window:

Click the Print button to print a hard copy report.
Click the PDF button and then click Print to PDF or Print to PDF (Email).
Click the HTML button to Print to Web Pages, Print to Web Pages (Zip), or Print to Web Pages (Zip and Email).

On the ReportBooks shortcut menu:

Click on the report you want and then click one of the following: Print, Preview, Save as Adobe PDF, Email as Adobe PDF.

For more information, see Changing report print options.


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