Importing text files

You can import data from a Microsoft® Word table or Excel spreadsheet into CaseMap spreadsheets. Save the document or spreadsheet in a tab delimited text file for best results. Sometimes data clean-up prior to the import is necessary. We recommend that you try your import on a copy of the case to ensure the import is satisfactory before imported the content in the active case.



If the file you are importing contains full names, we recommend that you find/replace the full names with short names in source file before importing the data into CaseMap. Otherwise, you will need to find/replace all full names in every field, in each spreadsheet, which can be a time-consuming process.


hmtoggle_plus1To import delimited text files
1.Before the import, make a backup copy of the case.

If the import does not produce the desired results, you restore the backup copy.

2.Next verify whether any other users are logged into the case and ask them to exit it until you have completed the process.
3.On the File menu, click Import and then click Records from a Text File.
4.In the message box to make a backup copy of the case, click No.
5.In the Select File to Import dialog box, navigate to and select the file you want to import, then click Open.
6.When the CaseMap Import Wizard launches, click Next.

Import Wizard > Import Data box

7.In the Import Data box, select the delimiter that separates your fields: Comma, Tab, Semicolon, or Other.

Import Wizard > Delimiter box

8.Select the First Row Contains Field Names box, if this applies to the text file, then click Next.
9.In the Preview the data to import dialog box, review the selected data, then click Next.

Import Wizard > Preview data import dialog box

Click the Next 5 and Top buttons to navigate the import data.

10.In the Import Data dialog box, click on the spreadsheet for which you want to import data, then click Next.

Import Wizard > Import Data

11.In the CaseMap spreadsheet dialog box, select the spreadsheet in which you want to import data, then click Next.

If you are importing objects, select the object type spreadsheet, then click Next.

12.In the Select Field Mappings dialog box, map the import fields from the text file to the destination fields in the spreadsheet.

Import Wizard > Select Field Mappings

13.In the Import Data dialog box, select the a field you want to map in the Import Field list.
14.In the Select Field Mappings drop-down list, select the CaseMap field (Destination field) where you want to import the data.
15.Repeat Steps 14-15 for each import field, then click Next.
16.In the Review dialog box, preview the field mappings you specified, then click Next.
17.Click Finish to initiate the import.
18.In the message box to confirm the number of records to import, click Yes.
19.In the message box to confirm the number of records successfully imported, click OK.

If any errors occurred, review the error log to determine the issue.

20.Return to the case spreadsheet to verify the imported case records.



If you have any questions about importing text files, contact CaseMap Support for assistance.



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