About exporting

TextMap allows you to extract case data to save in a variety of file formats, export directly to another application like AccessData® Summation®, or into a companion product like TextMap App for iPad®, CaseMap®, or Sanction®. In order to view the exported data, you must have a license of the native application installed on your computer.


Export data to the following programs and formats:

TextMap portable case format
TextMap portable transcript format
TextMap App for Apple® iPad®
LexisNexis CaseMap and Sanction
Amicus® Attorney
AccessData® Summation®
Text file (including comma or tab delimited)


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Reference the following table to understand the file format options that you can export TextMap data into.

Export File Format Options

File Format



Portable Transcript Format (*.ptf) is a file format for a single transcripts.

Portable Case Format (*.pcf) is a file format for a single transcript or multiple transcripts.

TextMap Portable Transcript Format (*.xmptf) a file format for a single transcript or multiple transcripts.

TextMap export files contain the transcript text and all annotations. TextMap also creates a *.vid file with associated video synchronization information to go along with these files. See Exporting videos.

TextMap App for iPad

*.xmme is a file format for transcripts and annotations that can be imported into the TextMap App for iPad.


Using the Send to CaseMap tool, transcript text can be imported into a CaseMap case as a new fact record in the Facts spreadsheet.


*mdb is a file format for a single transcript that can be imported into LexisNexis Sanction®.

Amicus, Summation and Page Image Format

Text files are formatted for single transcript that contains all text.

Amicus *txt is a format that can be imported into Amicus® Attorney.

Summation *.txt is a format that can be imported into Summation®.



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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