Exporting a Sanction clip list

The Export Sanction Clip List Wizard allows you to export a transcript's annotations by select issues to a Sanction clip list. TextMap skips any annotations that are not linked to a selected issue. Once the text file is exported, you can then import the clip list into Sanction. Annotations display in the text file in page/line order.


hmtoggle_plus1To export a Sanction clip list
1.In the Transcript pane, select the transcript for which you want to export annotations.
2.Click More Export on the Home Ribbon, and then click Export Sanction Clip List.

On the File menu, you can click Export, and the Export Sanction Clip List to open the wizard.

3.In the Export Sanction Clip List Wizard, click Next.
4.On the Limit Annotations by Issue page, you can choose to only export annotations to the linked issues you select.

Export Sanction Clip List Wizard > Limit Annotations by Issue

5.Click Next to continue.
6.On the Output File page, click the Browse button.
7.In the Export Sanction Clip List dialog box, navigate to the folder where you want to save the file.

The default file type is a text file.

This folder defaults to the export folder selected in the File Locations tab in the Tools > Options dialog box.

8.In the File Name field, type in a name for the text file, then click Save.
9.On the Output File page, click Next to initiate the export.
10.Click the hyperlink to view the output file.

The clip list now displays in a text file.

11.Click the Finish button to close the wizard.

You can now import the text file into Sanction.


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