Redacting transcript text

A redaction is applied when confidential information that appears within transcript text needs to be removed.

The redaction tool allows you to select and highlight text within the transcript that contains sensitive information. The redaction appears transparent until printed. Once the transcript has been printed with redactions, the text will be concealed and cannot be viewed, copied, or searched.


hmtoggle_plus1To add a redaction
1.Highlight the transcript text you want to redact.
2.Right-click the selected text and then click Redact in TextMap.

You can also click the New Redaction xm_redaction_new button located in the Home Ribbon or the Create & Edit Ribbon.

3.Select the redaction reason(s) or click the Redaction Option button xm_redaction_options to select one of the following:
Select All Reasons to place a check mark beside all redaction reasons
Unselect All Reasons to remove the check mark beside all selected redaction reasons
Manage Redaction Reasons to open the Redaction Reasons dialog box

A preview of the selected reasons appear as Applied Reasons.



If the redaction reasons were not added during the initial Case Setup, click the Redaction Option button xm_redaction_options and then click Manage Redaction Reasons to define reasons for the case . See Managing redaction reasons for more information.


4.Click OK to save your selections.
hmtoggle_plus1To delete a single redaction


Once the redactions have been deleted, the action cannot be undone.

1.Click the redaction you want to delete.
2.On the Create & Edit ribbon, click Delete, and then click Delete Redaction.

The redaction is deleted.

hmtoggle_plus1To delete all redactions


Once the redactions have been deleted, the action cannot be undone.

1.On the Create & Edit ribbon, click Delete, and then click Delete all Redactions.
2.Click Yes to confirm deletion.

All redactions are deleted.


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics

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