Opening timelines

When you start TimeMap, you can open an existing TimeMap timeline by selecting one that was recently used from the list of files that displays in the Getting Started pane. As you work in TimeMap, you can open existing timelines or create a new one by clicking the Open option on the Getting Started pane.


hmtoggle_plus1To open an existing timeline

There are two ways you can open a timeline:

1.On the Getting Started pane, click Open a Visual.
Click one of the files that appear to the right of Recent Visuals, or
Click Computer and navigate to the folder where you saved the timeline file, and then click on the file to open it in TimeMap.
2.Or click the File menu and then click Open.
Click one of the files that appear to the right of Recent Visuals, or
Click Computer and navigate to the folder where you saved the timeline file, and then click on the file to open it in TimeMap.
hmtoggle_plus1To close a timeline

On the File menu, click Close.


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