What's New in Sanction 3.6

Sanction® 3.6 provides the following new features and enhancements:

Importing exhibits via load files.

You can import exhibits via Opticon .LOG or IPro LFP load files. For more information, see the procedure on importing via load files in: Importing Exhibits.

Update exhibits

You can add or remove exhibit pages individually or you can replace an exhibit entirely. For more information, see: Add or Replace Exhibit Pages.

Set a default resolution for PDFs

You can set a default DPI if a PDF is fuzzy. The default value is 96 DPI, but it can be set to 150, 200, or 300. For more information, see: Annotations.

Exhibit stamps

You can stamp exhibits with page name, exhibit number, trial number, or Bates number. For more information, see: Exhibit Stamps.

Duration List Reports

You can create reports that list the total running time of selected clips and playlists. Your reports may also list the clips, playlists, or presentations in your case. For more information, see Duration List Reports.

Case backups

When you create a case, Sanction automatically creates a backup of the case file. Whenever the case is open, as you continue to work on it, Sanction periodically updates the backup file. For more information on how to use the case backup feature, see: Support Notes.

Performance enhancements

Improved performance when importing exhibits and deleting exhibits.

This page is all about Sanction 3.6. For documentation on the most current version of Sanction, open the the LexisNexis Litigation Solutions documentation portal. From there open the link to the Sanction Answer Center.


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Need additional help? Email the Sanction Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 877.301.0344. The Sanction Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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