About the Intake Interview Form

CaseMap's Intake Interview Form is the best means of gathering case information from a client from the onset. The template already contains instructions and guidelines to reference while you or a client fills in tables with details on people, organizations, rumors/facts/events related to the case. Once the form is completed, the content can be imported directly into the case automatically populating the All Objects and Facts spreadsheets. Use this template during client interviews or email it to clients and have them complete the form using Microsoft® Word. You can even customize it for your organization's needs.



Staff and clients must have Microsoft Word 2000 or later in order to use the form.



hmtoggle_plus1Use the Intake Interview Form to save time gathering client information

Once you or the client returns the form, you can import the information directly into CaseMap. Tables within the template are hard-coded so data automatically populates the All Objects spreadsheet (including sub-level) spreadsheets) and links related objects — saving you data entry time.


hmtoggle_plus1Select five key parties for using the Intake Interview form

Five interview forms can be imported into each case. Be sure to identify key parties in your case that information is best gathered by using the template. If you have more than five parties identified, you may need to enter that information manually. Or, you can enter more information to one of the other templates by adding rows to the tables.

hmtoggle_plus1Use the Intake Form Checklist to help with data collection and import

Reference the following checklist to ensure you are not forgetting any steps or tips in collecting data and modifying it before you import the content into the case.


Checklist: Intake Interview Form




Did you customize the Intake Interview Form to accommodate your organization's needs?

* This is optional, but you can edit text and add corporate logos and content to adjust the template. Do not modify the tables or the data import won't work properly. You and clients can add/delete rows in the table.


Did you identify five parties in the case for information gathering and importing using the template?

* CaseMap allows only five intake forms to be imported into each case.


Did you email the template to the client and include any instructions needed to complete the form so information is gathered for the case according to your organization's needs?


When the client returns the template, did you review the content for adequacy and accuracy?


Best Practice — Did you remember to search/replace full names of objects with short names in the template before the import?

* For more information, see Replace full names with short names in the template, before the import.


Did you review imported content in the case to ensure that the import was successful?


hmtoggle_plus1Customize the Intake Interview Form for your organization's need

Customize the Intake Interview Form by editing content within the template and adding more information specific to your case or organization's needs. You can even rename the form for your organization.

The Intake Interview Form includes basic instructions and guidelines for filling out the template in a manner that imports data into the CaseMap case. The template also addresses essential information that needs to be gathered for any case. You can customize the guidelines to ask clients for specific information, while leaving the template instructions as is.

What you cannot customize is the basic structure of the tables, which must be remain in tact in order to be successfully imported back into a case in CaseMap. You cannot change the number of tables, the order of tables, or add/remove columns from any table. The only change that you or your clients can make to tables is to add/removes rows.

hmtoggle_plus1Replace full names with short names in the template, before the import

In order for linking to automatically generate for information imported from the Intake Interview Jumpstart form, you should replace the full names with short names in the Description of Persons, Description of Organizations, Description of Event columns in form tables before the import process. Otherwise, you will want to find/replace full names with short names in Role in Case fields in both the Persons and Organizations spreadsheets, and the Fact Text field of the Facts spreadsheet after the import.

We strongly recommend that you review and edit names in the template before you import the information since it is faster to search/replace content there than searching individual fields in each CaseMap spreadsheet.



Do not search/replace full names with short names in the Name of Persons or Name of Organization columns in the Intake Interview Jumpstart form. CaseMap automatically creates short names from these template entries.



hmtoggle_plus1Review the ReportBook after the import

When you import the Intake Interview Jumpstart form, CaseMap automatically creates a ReportBook of the imported information for you. When you complete the import wizard, a message box indicates that the ReportBook is created and available for to preview. The ReportBook also contains additional fields, like Key and Potential Source(s) so clients can provide more information or check the report for errors. You can save the ReportBook to a Reports folder on your network for reference purposes.

For more information, see About creating ReportBooks, Printing pre-built ReportBooks.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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