Exporting data to Excel

CaseMap spreadsheet data exports cleanly into a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet, where fields and columns, and cells and fields, automatically synchronize between the two applications.


Data exported to Microsoft Excel example


hmtoggle_plus1To export data to Excel
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click any Objects or Authorities spreadsheet (e.g., Documents) to open it.
2.In the Objects - Documents (example used) list, select the record with a linked file that you want to send to Sanction.
3.On the File tab, under the Send To option, click Microsoft Excel.

From the Objects - Documents list, you can also right-click on the record being sent to Microsoft Excel, and then click the Send To > Microsoft Excel > Spreadsheet.

Send To Excel

4.Under the Microsoft Excel header, click the Spreadsheet button.

Or use the keyboard shortcut: SHIFT + CTRL + T.

Microsoft Excel automatically launches and displays the spreadsheet data you exported.


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