About printing reports

In CaseMap, the spreadsheets you view on the screen are reports-in-waiting. Within moments, any spreadsheet you are viewing can be printed to paper, PDF, or another application that integrates with CaseMap. CaseMap offers a variety of report output options for you to choose from. Numerous print options and considerations are available for you to make the right adjustments and add any final style touches before you print.


hmtoggle_plus1Adjust spreadsheet views to design reports

As you customize your spreadsheet view, you are essentially customizing a report at the same time. The choices you make are integral to the design of your final report layout.


Adjusting a spreadsheet view simultaneously adjusts your printed report structure:

Adding or removing fields in your spreadsheet = adding or removing fields in your report.
Filtering case records in your spreadsheet = filtering records that print in reports.
Sorting data, tagging records, and altering the row height all affect your spreadsheet and report layout.


hmtoggle_plus1Use Print Preview to review reports before printing

The Print Preview window is a great tool to use to review your report before printing it on paper or emailing an electronic file of it out for staff or client review. Because reports print in the What-You-See-is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) mode, you will see if you need to hide fields or make formatting adjustments before finalizing the report. Once in Print Preview mode, you can select your print options from the toolbar there as well as from the Print and Batch Print buttons on the File tab.

For more information, see Changing report print options.

hmtoggle_plus1Select from a variety of reporting output options

When printing reports, CaseMap offers a variety of output options that you can produce for the best work product. Reference the following table to determine the output you want.

Reporting Output Options



Adobe Acrobat

Print to an Acrobat PDF file from any spreadsheet, and choose whether to embed any linked documents in the report. On the Reports ribbon, click Print or PDF Current View and then click either Print PDF or Print PDF (Email). On the File tab, click Print to PDF and then click Print to PDF on the submenu, or click Batch Print Documents and click To PDF.

Microsoft Excel

Export any spreadsheet to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. On the Reports ribbon, click Send Current View To and then click Microsoft Excel.

TimeMap Timelines

Produce TimeMap timelines from the Facts or Documents spreadsheet. On the Reports ribbon, clicking Send Current View to and then click LexisNexis TimeMap.

Web Page (HTML)

Use the Web Browser option to create an HTML report. This option creates a series of HTML pages with a first page, prior page, next page, and last page navigation bar that makes it easy to browse through the report. On the Reports ribbon, click Send Current View To and then click Web Browser (HTML).

When you select the HTML option, you can then choose: As Web Pages, Zip as Web Pages, Zip and Email as Web Pages. The first two choices prompt you to save the output to a specified location on your computer. CaseMap creates two web pages for you. The email option attaches a zipped file of the web pages in an email with explanatory text.

Word Processor Output

Use CaseMap data to create motions or briefs by preparing a spreadsheet with data you want in your word processor document. On the Reports ribbon, click Send Current View To and then select either Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect.



Report printing options are also accessible on the File tab by clicking Send To.


hmtoggle_plus1Review report options and considerations

Reference the following table to learn about different print options and considerations that affect report output.

Reporting Options and Considerations



Data Overflow

When the data from the last row of a report page overflows to the next page, asterisks print in those cells where the data did not overflow. The asterisks let you know that the data displayed for that top row is a continuation from the previous page.

Embedded Links

For more information, see Embedding linked documents in reports.

Field Widths

Adjust the scaling of your report by shrinking the field widths so the report is forced to fit on a fixed number of page widths. Set this option by selecting Reports ribbon > ...More > Page Setup > Page > Shrink field widths to fit report one page wide. This option adjusts the widths of large text and description fields to force the report to fit on one page.

Field Wrapping

CaseMap automatically wraps fields that overflow onto the following page(s) of the printed report. When the pages needed for the first set of records have printed, the next set of records begins printing on a new page.

* If your spreadsheet has more fields than will fit on one page width, use the Repeat Fields feature to ensure printing important fields. Set this option in the Print dialog box accessible from the File tab and then clicking Print.

Font Size

Adjust the scaling of a report by shrinking the font size so the report is forced to fit on the specified number of pages wide. Set this option by selecting Reports ribbon > ...More > Page Setup > Page > Shrink font size to fit report on one page(s).

Other Print Options

You can print the list dialog boxes that display when you double-click the numbers in the cells of # fields, the Evaluation Comparison box, and CaseWide fact bars. You can also print the Authorities & Extracts pane in the Research area of CaseMap.

Repeat Fields

When your spreadsheet has more fields than will fit in one page width, you can use the Repeat Fields feature to print important fields on every report page. Set this option by selecting Reports ribbon > ...More > Page Setup > Page > Repeat Fields.

Row Height

To print reports with the same row height, clear the Auto-Fit check box on the Report Options tab in the Page Setup box.

* If you print a report without the Auto-Fit option, the current row height may not allow for all of the text in each cell to print.


Spreadsheets with tagged records print the red icon in the Tag fields on reports. Cancel the tag filter if you do not want tag icons printing at the left margin of every report.

Title Pages

By default, CaseMap generates a title page for each report. You can edit the look and contents of the title page and determine whether it prints for a specific report by selecting Reports ribbon > ...More > Page Setup.

WYSIWYG Printing

CaseMap offers What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get printing. If you filter the data in your Facts spreadsheet down to 25 facts, then your printed report contains only 25 facts. The fields that are in view in a spreadsheet are also included in the printed report. Filter data and hide fields that you do not want to include in a report.

hmtoggle_plus1Review common report questions

Common report questions are related to the print options in the Page Setup dialog box. For more information, see Changing report print options.

By default, CaseMap automatically adjusts the size of the font being used to print reports so that all the fields in a spreadsheet fit neatly into the number of page widths you specify. Shrinking a report to fit on a fixed number of page widths typically results in a report that is easier to work with.

Clear the Auto-fit check box if you want the same row height for spreadsheet rows on printed reports. However, the row height may not allow for all text in a cell to print on the report.

Use the Repeat Fields feature to print important fields on every report page, including those pages containing fields that could not fit in the first page width.

hmtoggle_plus1Select grid or record view

When you print reports to Word, WordPerfect, or HTML, you have the option of either Grid View (horizontal) or Record View (vertical) record display. This selection is accessible on a shortcut menu from the Reports ribbon when you click on these report output options.

Change the grid font color:

On the View ribbon, click Grid Font. In the Font box, adjust the font style, size, and script.

Change the gridline and shade color:

On the File tab, click Options and then click the the Printing tab. In the Printing area, select the gridline and shade color you want use. The default color is gray.



If a printed report does not include visible grid lines, and the grid lines are visible in print preview mode, change the grid line and shading color option to black. This option is accessible from the Tools menu by clicking Options and then click on the Printing tab in the Options dialog box.



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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