Navigating documents and images

Use the Page Control toolbar at the bottom left of DocManager to navigate documents or images. You can easily identify what page of the document you are viewing in relation to the total number of pages or jump to a particular page within the document that you want to view. You can also navigate documents or images using menus, shortcut keys, and right-click options.

Search hits within a document or image can also be navigated by using the buttons in the lower left corner of DocManager. Search hits are highlighted in blue so you can easily locate them within a document. If a document has more than 30 pages, search hits will not display in DocManager (by default). You can click on the document tab to turn on search hit highlighting for large documents. Or you can modify this setting. For more information, see Changing DocManager options.


hmtoggle_plus1To navigate search hits

Search hits are highlighted in documents so that you can locate and navigate them easily. The current search hit is highlighted in blue. All other search hits are highlighted in yellow.

To navigate search hits, click on the Previous Hit cm_previous_hits and Next Hit cm_next_hit buttons on the Home ribbon. You can also click on or type in a number in the Page list to jump to that page in the document.


hmtoggle_plus1To navigate pages

On the Home ribbon, click the following buttons to navigate document records:


Previous Page moves to the previous page
Next Page moves to the next page
Page List allows you to specify the page you want to view.

You can type a page number and press ENTER, or click on the page number in the drop-down list.


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



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