Docking and undocking the DocManager

If you are using DocManager, document and images open in the near native window first when selected for viewing. You can still choose to view the document in its native application from within DocManager.

When DocManager launches, it opens in a separate window from CaseMap. You can dock this window within CaseMap or move it to a secondary monitor. It all depends on your monitor setup and viewing preferences.

hmtoggle_plus1To dock or undock the DocManager
1.In CaseMap, select a spreadsheet (e.g., Documents) and open the linked file (document/image) to be viewed.

The document/image is displayed in CaseMap DocManager.



If the Open Linked Files in DocManager option (File tab > Options > General) check box has been cleared, any document/image opened, is opened using its native application (e.g., Adobe Acrobat).


2.In CaseMap DocManager, click the Home tab, and then click Dock in Spreadsheet.

The Document is displayed in CaseMap.

Docked View

3.Optional: On the Home tab of the DocManager, click Dock in Spreadsheet to undock the document/image, and view it in its native application.

The document/image is displayed in CaseMap DocManager.

When DocManager launches, it opens in a separate window from CaseMap or you may elect for documents/images to be viewed in their native application (i.e., Adobe Acrobat).

a.In CaseMap, click the File tab, and then click Options.
b.When the Options dialog box opens, click the Spreadsheet tab.

CaseMap Options General tab

c.Optional: To view a document/image in the DocManager:
On the Spreadsheet tab, select/place a check mark in the Open Linked Files in DocManager check box to view documents/images in CaseMap DocManager.
d.Optional: To view a document/image in its native application:
On the Spreadsheet tab, clear the Open Linked Files in DocManager check box to view documents/images in their native application (i.e., Adobe Acrobat).



When the Open Linked Files in DocManager option (File tab > Options > General) check box has been cleared, any document/image opened, is opened using its native application (e.g., Adobe Acrobat).


e.In the Options dialog box, click OK.


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