Writing full-text searches

You can search for multiple terms (phrases) that occur in a specified sequence by entering the words in the Full Text search text box. You can open the Full Text Search dialog box from the Records menu by clicking Full Text Search.


Full Text Search




Any full-text query typed in the Full Text Search dialog box can also be typed in the Search field in the Case Shortcuts or Search Results panes. Because the Full Text Search dialog box is bigger, it allows you to view and edit longer queries easier.



hmtoggle_plus1Locating multiple words in any order

The following query finds documents that include the search terms or words, but not in any specified order.

Example: sales OR team OR staff OR managers

hmtoggle_plus1Finding a phrase or sequence of words

The following query finds a specific sequence of words.

Example: sales manager

Finds documents or records that include sales and manager in sequential order, such as "And I'm still upset by my demotion to Sales Manager." Does not find results for documents that contain sales or manager as separate words.

hmtoggle_plus1Searching for dates

You can search for dates in both the Date and Date and Time fields. Searching the Date and Date & Time field values also includes the Creation and Last Update Time Stamp fields. NA and TBD date values can be searched and are indexed as "NA" and "TBD".



Only the date in the Date & Time field is indexed; the time is not indexed.



CaseMap indexes date fields in addition to number fields, and indexes a date as a number too. For example, the date 11/12/2011 is indexed as a date and as three separate numbers. If you search for the year 2011, the date 11/12/2011 will display in your search results.


Additionally, a search query of >1 will return all records because of the date and time in the Creation Time Stamp and Last Update Time Stamp fields.


Dates are searched for using the following "date(<date here>)" syntax, but you can choose the date format you want to use. We recommend you type using the date you think is used in the document or file. Double quotes must be included in the query.  The date query format can be combined with other search operators like BEFORE, NEAR, and CONTAINS.


Searching for dates in text fields can be done in a variety of formats:

November 11, 2005
11 Nov 05
2005/11/11 (yyyy/mm/dd)
11/11/05 (mm/dd/yy)
11-11-05 (mm/dd/yy)


Examples: "date(nov 11 2005)" or "date(September 19, 2005)" or "date(9/19/05)"



To search for any date before or after a particular date, type a date range with a minimum and maximum date values. The minimum date value is 1000 and the maximum date value is 2900.

Example: "Date & Time" CONTAINS "date(01/01/2003 TO 01/01/2006)"



hmtoggle_plus1Searching Check Box fields

CaseMap indexes fields that contain check boxes, such as the Key field on the All Objects spreadsheet. A selected check box is indexed as Yes. A cleared check box is indexed as No.

hmtoggle_plus1Searching hyphenated words

CaseMap indexes hyphenated words as having spaces. This ensures that you can locate results regardless of whether a hyphen was used properly in the text.

Example: first-class

This query returns search results for the following: first-class, first, class, firstclass, first and class.

hmtoggle_plus1Searching for numbers

In order to be searchable, CaseMap indexes numbers with the following restrictions:

Search numerically from zero (lower limit) to 2,147,483,648 (higher limit).
If a currency value is more than $2 billion, it may not be searchable.
All numbers are indexed as positive.

Example: 1234 is indexed as 1234.

Real numbers and numbers with commas in text fields are indexed as separate numbers.

Example: 1234,567.89 is indexed as three separate numbers: 1234 567 89.

Fractional values will be indexed as zero.

Example: $0.75 will be indexed as 0.

Numeric operators can be used with other operators.

Example: HawkinsP near5 12~~17 finds any document containing "HawkinsP" within five words of a number between 12 and 17.




A search query of >1 will return all records because of the date and time in the Creation Time Stamp and Last Update Time Stamp fields.



hmtoggle_plus1Searching emails

Valid Internet email addresses in any CaseMap text field are indexed specifically as email addresses.

Example: john.doe@lawfirm.com

Email addresses can also be searched using the following special query format: "mail(sales@casemap.com)". The double quotes must be included in the query.

The query text inside of the parentheses will also support the use of wildcard characters: "mail(s*@casemap.com)". The special query format can be combined with other search operators like BEFORE, NEAR, and CONTAINS.

hmtoggle_plus1Searching credit card numbers

You can search for credit card numbers using any sequence of numbers that appear to be valid credit card numbers issues by major credit card issuers. Credit card numbers are recognized regardless of the pattern of spaces or punctuation embedded in the numbers.


Examples of credit card numbers include:

1234 5678 1234 5678


Credit card numbers can also be searched using the following special query format: "creditcard(1234-5678-1234-5678)". The double quotes must be included in the query.

The query text inside of the parentheses will also support the use of wildcard characters: "creditcard(*5678)". The special query format can be combined with other search operators like BEFORE, NEAR, and CONTAINS.


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