Creating combined searches

Advanced queries can combine multiple operators and search terms. Like mathematics, CaseMap uses a hierarchy to evaluate search queries and return results in a specific order. When you combine search queries, you can use parentheses to enforce operator precedence. Searches within parentheses are evaluated before they are combined with other search operators.


hmtoggle_plus1Use parentheses to enforce operator precedence

When formulating search queries with more than one search operator, we recommend you use parentheses. By using parentheses, you can force CaseMap to search the terms you type within the parentheses first, regardless of operator precedence. This allows you flexibility in formulating your own searches and garnering stronger results.


Example:  hawkins NEAR12 (manage~ OR lang)

This query returns results where "hawkins" appears within 12 words of "manager", "management", or "lang".

The OR operator carries precedence because the search results do not return instances where "hawkins" may appear within a range of 12 words of "manager", "management", or "lang".


hmtoggle_plus1Learn how to formulate combined searches

Combined queries are searches that contain two or more operators and multiple search terms. Using parentheses to offset search terms also helps you read your queries easier.


Example: ("Description" CONTAINS hawkins) OR "Fact Text" CONTAINS lang

This query returns search results when the Description field contains the word "hawkins" or when the Fact Text field contains the word "lang".


Example: "Fact Text" CONTAINS (NOT hawkins)

This query returns search results for all records that do not contain the word "hawkins" in the Fact Text field.


Example: "Fact Text" CONTAINS (philip BEFORE5 hawkins)

This query returns search results for the Fact Text field where the word "Philip" occurs five words before "Hawkins".


Example: "Fact Text" CONTAINS (hawkins OR lang)

This query returns search results when the Fact Text field contains either full name: Hawkins or Lang.



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