Printing to Microsoft Word

The Print to Microsoft Word feature prints any Annotation Digest report directly into a Word document.


hmtoggle_plus1To print Annotation Digests - All Annotations to Word
1.In the Transcripts pane, click on the transcript you want to print to Word.
2.On the Reports menu:

For Current Transcript: Click Annotation Digest, and then click Print to Microsoft Word.

For Multiple Transcripts: Click Annotation Digest, and then click Print to Microsoft Word.

3.On the Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard's Welcome page, click Next.
4.On the Select Report Type page, verify that All Annotations is selected, then click Next.

Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard > Select Report Type

5.On the Select Transcripts page, review the transcripts you want to include in the report.

Click Modify to change the order of the transcripts in the Select Transcripts dialog box or add more transcripts to the report.

On the Select Transcripts page, click Next.

7.On the Limit Annotations by Issue page, choose one of the following:
Yes, include all annotations.
No, only include annotations linked to the selected issues.

In the Select issues to include box, select the check box next to each issue you want to include.

8.Click Next.
9.On the Group Annotations by Issue page, select whether to group annotations by issue or to sort by page and line number, then click Next.



The Group Annotations by Issue is the default option and will group annotations on the report by their linked issues. This may result in an annotation being on the report multiple times. If you do not want to group annotations by issue select No, only sort by page and line number.


10.On the Annotations Sections page, select or clear the sections you want in the report.

Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard > Annotations Sections

11.On the Linked CaseMap Facts page, choose one of the following:
Yes, include linked facts.
No, do not include linked facts.

To include facts from CaseMap, you must first have the corresponding case open in CaseMap.

12.Click Next.
13.On the Completing the Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard page, click Finish to generate the report.
14.Preview the report in Word.
15.On the File menu, click Save As to name and save the report.


hmtoggle_plus1To print Annotation Digests - Search Notes to Word
1.In the Transcripts pane, click on the transcript you want to print to Word.
2.On the Reports menu:

For Current Transcript: Click Annotation Digest, and then click Print to Microsoft Word.

For Multiple Transcripts: Click Annotation Digest, and then click Print to Microsoft Word.

3.On the Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard's Welcome page, click Next.
4.On the Select Report Type page, verify that Search Notes is selected, then click Next.

Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard > Select Report Type

5.On the Select Transcripts page, review the transcripts you want to include in the report.

Click Modify to change the order of the transcripts in the Select Transcripts dialog box or add more transcripts to the report.

6.On the Search Annotation Notes page, type in your search criteria in the Search For box.

Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard > Search Annotation Notes

7.Under How do you want to handle multiple items?, select the search operator you want to use:
AND - All search terms must appear in the note.
OR - At least one of the search terms must appear in the note.
8.Click Next.
9.On the Group Annotations by Issue page, select whether to group annotations by issue or to sort by page and line number, then click Next.



The Group Annotations by Issue is the default option and will group annotations on the report by their linked issues. This may result in an annotation being on the report multiple times. If you do not want to group annotations by issue select No, only sort by page and line number.


10.On the Annotations Sections page, select or clear the sections you want in the report, then click Next.
11.On the Limit Annotations by Issue page, choose one of the following:
Yes, include all annotations.
No, only include annotations linked to the selected issues.

In the Select issues to include box, select the check box next to each issue you want to include.

12.Click Next.
13.On the Linked CaseMap Facts page, choose one of the following:
Yes, include linked facts.
No, do not include linked facts.

To include facts from CaseMap, you must first have the corresponding case open in CaseMap.

14.Click Next.
15.On the Completing the Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard page, click Finish to generate the report.
16.Preview the report in Word.
17.On the File menu, click Save As to name and save the report.


hmtoggle_plus1To print Annotation Digests - What's New to Word
1.In the Transcripts pane, click on the transcript you want to print to Word.
2.On the Reports menu:

For Current Transcript: Click Annotation Digest, and then click Print to Microsoft Word.

For Multiple Transcripts: Click Annotation Digest, and then click Print to Microsoft Word.

3.On the Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard's Welcome page, click Next.
4.On the Select Report Type page, verify that What's New is selected, then click Next.
5.On the Select Transcripts page, review the transcripts you want to include in the report.

Click Modify to change the order of the transcripts in the Select Transcripts dialog box or add more transcripts to the report.

6.On the What's New Since page, type in a date for the report in the Date field.

Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard > What's New Since

7.Under Do you also want to include annotations updated since the date above?, select one of the following:
Yes, include updated annotations.
No, do not include updated annotations.
8.Click Next.
9.On the Group Annotations by Issue page, select whether to group annotations by issue or to sort by page and line number, then click Next.



The Group Annotations by Issue is the default option and will group annotations on the report by their linked issues. This may result in an annotation being on the report multiple times. If you do not want to group annotations by issue select No, only sort by page and line number.


10.On the Annotations Sections page, select or clear the sections you want in the report, then click Next.
11.On the Limit Annotations by Issue page, choose one of the following:
Yes, include all annotations.
No, only include annotations linked to the selected issues.

In the Select issues to include box, select the check box next to each issue you want to include.

12.Click Next.
13.On the Linked CaseMap Facts page, choose one of the following:
Yes, include linked facts.
No, do not include linked facts.

To include facts from CaseMap, you must first have the corresponding case open in CaseMap.

14.Click Next.
15.On the Completing the Microsoft Word ReportBook Wizard page, click Finish to generate the report.
16.Preview the report in Word.
17.On the File menu, click Save As to name and save the report.



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