GET get-case-{spreadsheet-name}



Retrieves data from the specified spreadsheet.

To use this action, send a GET request to the /cases/{caseID}/data/{spreadsheet-name}/ resource. You identify both the view and name format options in the Accept header.

In response to a get-case-{spreadsheet-name} request, CaseMap Server returns a <data> element, which contains the starting record number, the record number, total record number, and an XML representation of a .NET table object. If Page and PageSize are not specified, all records are returned. Optionally, a view and format of object names may be specified via the Accept header. Object names may be Full or Short. If not specified, short names will be returned.





GET {ServerNameHere}/CaseMapAD/CMServerAD/cases/{caseID}/data/facts/?recordCount={recordCount}&startingRecordNumber={recordNumber}




GET {ServerNameHere}/CaseMapLA/CMServerLA/cases/{caseID}/data/facts/?recordCount={recordCount}&startingRecordNumber={recordNumber}



The request includes the GET, User-Agent, and Host headers, which are standard for all CaseMap Server requests. For more information, see About request headers. In addition, the method uses the Accept header to define the limits on the search query, as described in the following table.





Contains a number of limits on the search query.

Type: string




(optional) format for the name elements. Must be one of the following:


The default value is short.



(optional) ID of the spreadsheet view to retrieve. The view controls both the fields included and the sort order of the records. The default is to return all non-virtual fields and sort the records by record ID.



Example: Accept: nameFormat=full;viewId=1474848196



The URL contains the caseID. In addition, the query string contains the following parameters:




The record count.

Example: 5



Starting record Number

Example: 3



(Optional) Paging support to return the number of records in each call

Example: http://server:port/servicename.svc/cases/{case-[ID]}/data/facts?pagesize=[PGSIZE]&page=[PGNUM]#viewid=[ID]




The request does not contain any elements in the body.





The response includes the headers common to all CaseMap Server responses. For more information, see About response headers.







parent element for the response

Type: complex

Children: startingRecordNumber, recordCount, totalRecordCount, tableData



The starting record number.

Type: int

Parent: data

Example: 5



Number of records returned

Type: int

Parent: data

Example: 5



Total number of records.

Type: int

Parent: data

Example: 29



XML representation of a .NET table

Type: complex

For more information, see the .NET Framework documentation.



Status Codes

Returns 200 on a valid response. Otherwise, returns one of the common status codes. for more information, see GET.




Request Example

The following requests the version information.

GET /CMServerAD/cases/case-6/data/facts/?recordCount=5&startingRecordNumber=5 HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Fiddler

Host: localhost:3952

Accept: nameFormat=full;viewId=1474848196


C# Example

The following example retrieves the facts of a specified case from the specified CaseMap Server. The sample takes the server URL, case ID, recordCount, and starting record number as parameters. The sample also uses the DisplayMessage helper method to display the response message. For more information on the helper methods, see CaseMap Server Helper Methods.


public static void getServerCaseFacts(string serverResource, string caseID, string recordCount, string startingRecordNumber)


  //define the resource and the endpoint

  string resourceName = "/CaseMapAD/CMServerAD.svc/case/" + caseID + "/data/facts/?recordCount="

       + recordCount + "&startingRecordNumber=" + startingRecordNumber;

  string endPoint = serverResource + resourceName;


  //create the call

  HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(endPoint) as HttpWebRequest;

   request.Method = "GET";


  //add in the additional header values

   request.Accept = "nameFormat=full;viewId=1474848196";


  //send it off and get the response

  HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;


  //display the list







Response Example

The following is a response to the request in the previous example.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Server: ASP.NET Development Server/

Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 22:40:10 GMT

X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727

Cache-Control: private

Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: 6537

Connection: Close


<data xmlns="" xmlns:i="">





   <xs:schema id="NewDataSet" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">

     <xs:element name="NewDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:MainDataTable="facts" msdata:UseCurrentLocale="true">


         <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

           <xs:element name="facts">



                 <xs:element name="F0" msdata:Caption="ID" type="xs:int"/>

                 <xs:element name="F1" msdata:Caption="Date &amp; Time" minOccurs="0">


                     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

                       <xs:maxLength value="40"/>




                 <xs:element name="F2" msdata:Caption="Fact Text" minOccurs="0">


                     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

                       <xs:maxLength value="2147483647"/>




                 <xs:element name="F3" msdata:Caption="Source(s)" minOccurs="0">


                     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

                       <xs:maxLength value="2147483647"/>











   <diffgr:diffgram xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">

     <DocumentElement xmlns="">

       <facts diffgr:id="facts1" msdata:rowOrder="0">



         <F2>Philip Hawkins promoted to Anstar Biotech Industries VP of Sales.</F2>



       <facts diffgr:id="facts2" msdata:rowOrder="1">


         <F1>2004-01-09 to 2004-01-21</F1>

         <F2>Philip Hawkins negotiates draft Hawkins Employment Agreement with William Lang.</F2>

         <F3>Hawkins Employment Agreement</F3>


       <facts diffgr:id="facts3" msdata:rowOrder="2">



         <F2>William Lang tells Philip Hawkins that he has changed his mind regarding the Hawkins Employment Agreement.  It is not in force as it was never signed and changes were not finalized.</F2>

         <F3>Philip Hawkins, Deposition of William Lang, 11:3.</F3>


       <facts diffgr:id="facts4" msdata:rowOrder="3">



         <F2>Susan Sheridan has dinner with Linda Collins and complains about Anstar Biotech Industries management.</F2>

         <F3>Deposition of Linda Collins, 33:15.</F3>


       <facts diffgr:id="facts5" msdata:rowOrder="4">



         <F2>Philip Hawkins receives Hawkins Performance Review from William Lang.  Is rated a 1 "Outstanding Performer."</F2>

         <F3>Hawkins Performance Review</F3>








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