


Uniquely identifies a resource within a service. The <resource ID> contains all the information that is needed by the service to discover the resource type and scoping, as well as the resource itself.



<ServerResource>/[<service>/[<type>/[<resource ID>]]]



The <resource ID> has the following structure:

{<type name>-<instance identifier>}

The <type name> is the singular form of the resource type that is not qualified by the service name. For example, if the resource type is specified by "/CMServerAD/cases", the <type name> is "case".
The <instance identifier> is the unique identifier of the resource within the resource scoping. The <instance identifier> is in general a UUID, but may be something else (such as a friendly name or integer) in the case of legacy data.


Supported Methods and Examples

The following sections describe the <resource ID> naming convention for each type, as well as associated examples for each.


Universal Identifier (Uid)



Identifies a case.

Syntax: case-{integer}

Comments: CaseMap assigns each case a unique number upon creation. The integer is an increase from the previous created case. You can retrieve the caseID from GET get-cases.

Example: http://localhost/CaseMapAD/CMServerAD.svc/cases/case-6/views/?userId=3



Identifies a user.

Syntax: userId-{integer}

Comments: CaseMap assigns each user a unique number upon creation. The integer is an increase from the previous created user. You can retrieve the userID values with GET get-case-users.

Example: http://localhost/CaseMapAD/CMServerAD.svc/cases/case-6/views/?userId=3




Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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