About response headers

The following topics discuss the common headers you may find in a response message from CaseMap Server. Currently, all the headers are merely informational, as the current CaseMap Server returns the requested information in the body of the message, rather than in any header.





The cache control options. For CaseMap Server, this usually indicates that all or part of the response message is intended for a single user and must not be cached by a shared cache.

Example: Cache-Control: private



Options for the connection. For CaseMap Server, this indicates that the connection is not persistent, and that you must request a new connection with each request.

Example: Connection: closed



The content MIME type; usually application/xml.

Example: Content-Type: application/xml



The length of the body of the message. Always returned.

Example: Content-Length: 253



The date of the creation of the message.

Example: Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 20:32:28 GMT



The Server type and version the message came from.

Example: Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5



The version of ASP.NET used by CaseMap Server.

Example: X-Asp-Net-Version: 2.0.502727




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