Deleting web parts

Deleting a web part permanently removes it and the data associated with it from displaying on the case page. If you want to display the same web part and data again, you will need to configure the data again in the web part zone and publish it to the site page.


hmtoggle_plus1To delete a web part
1.Open the CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts site.
2.Click on the case tab for which you want to delete a web part.
3.Click on the Site Actions button AC_sharepoint_site_actions_button in the upper right corner and then click Edit Page.
4.On the Edit Content page, locate the web part you want to delete.
5.In the web part, click the Edit button and then click Delete.

Edit > Modify Shared Web Part

6.In the message box, click OK to delete the web part.
7.On the SharePoint toolbar, click the Publish button AC_sharepoint_publish_button to update the view for this case page.

The selected web part no longer displays.


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