Customizing data display

You can customize how CaseMap case data displays for each web part on the CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts site. Each spreadsheet, issue outline, or team member case pane has three panels for customizing the display:



The steps covered in this topic refer to editing Appearance settings. To learn how to use the Layout and Advanced settings, please reference the Microsoft SharePoint documentation.


hmtoggle_plus1To edit web part display
1.Open the CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts site.
2.Click on the case tab for which you want to edit a spreadsheet.
3.Click on the Site Actions button AC_sharepoint_site_actions_button in the upper right corner and then click Edit Page.

The Edit Content page displays the web part page template for you to edit.

4.Locate the web part for which you want to edit data display.
5.Click on the Edit button and then click Modify Shared Web Part.

Edit > Modify Shared Web Part

The CaseMap Case panel displays for the web part you selected: Spreadsheet, Issue Outline, or Team Members.

6.In the CaseMap Case panel, scroll until you see the Appearance section.
7.In the Title field, type in the name of the CaseMap spreadsheet, issue outline, and team members list that you want to display for the web part.
8.In the Height area, select whether the web part should have a fixed height.
If you click Yes, then type in the display height you want and click the height measurement you want to use.

This field defaults to Pixels.

If you click No, then the data displayed is automatically adjusted to the height of the zone.
9.In the Width area, select whether the web part should have a fixed width.
If you click Yes, then type in the display width you want and click the width measurement you want to use.
If you click No, then the data displayed is automatically adjusted to the width of the zone.
10.In the Chrome State area, click Minimized or Normal.
Normal displays the entire web part.
Minimized displays the title bar for the web part.
11.In the Chrome Type area, select the title bar and border setting you want to use: Default, None, Title and Border, Title Only, and Border Only.
12.Click the Apply button to view your changes without closing the pane.
13.Click OK to save your changes and close the pane.


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