Modifying a web part

You can easily edit a web part once it has been published to a CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts page for viewing. All you need to do is click on the web part zone you want to edit, make the necessary changes, and then publish the updates so users can view the data the way you want it displayed.



If you want to display case data in the same location as other data, you can add it to the same web part zone. For example, if you want to display case data in the Top Right web part zone, you can click the Add a Web Part link to add case data to the same zone. The new case data will display in the same location, above the current case data. Otherwise, click on the Add a Web Part link for the web part zone you want (Header, Center, Right, etc.).


You can rearrange data display within a web part zone by clicking on the corner of the active data (outlined in an orange dotted line) and dragging it above or below other data.


hmtoggle_plus1To modify a web part
1.Open the CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts site.
2.Click on the case tab for which you want to display case staff.
3.Click on the Site Actions button AC_sharepoint_site_actions_button in the upper right corner and then click Edit Page.

The Edit Content page displays with the web part page template for you to edit.

4.In the web part zone you want to edit, click the Edit button.

Edit > Modify Shared Web Part

5.Click Modify Shared Web Part.

The applicable CaseMap panel now displays to the right.

6.In the CaseMap panel, make the modifications you need, then click Apply.
Click the Apply button to view your changes without closing the pane.
Click OK to save your changes and close the pane.

To customize spreadsheet data display, see Customizing data display.

The updated case spreadsheet data you specified now displays in the CaseMap web part.

7.Click the Publish button AC_sharepoint_publish_button to publish this data on the case page so case staff can view it.


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



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