What's New in CaseMap

The following enhancements are included in the CaseMap version 13 release. For more release information, see the Release Notes.


CaseMap v13


hmtoggle_plus1UI Modernization and Updated Wizard Screens

CaseMap now has an updated and modernized UI design that enhances the user experience. This provides a modern workflow and intuitive design that increases usability based on the industry standard.

hmtoggle_plus1CaseMap Integration of Lexis.com to Lexis Advance

The CaseMap research functionality now integrates research with a unified work-flow by eliminating the need for multiple log ins and work-flows.

See About online research and Using online research tools for additional information.

hmtoggle_plus1SmartAssist: New research integration in Lexis Advance

SmartAssist now simplifies searching in Lexis Advance.  The new research integration in the SmartAssist tool allows a more unified and simpler approach to research information in a case file.

See SmartAssist for additional information.

hmtoggle_plus1Fact Cards

Fact Cards can now be used to create a simplified, visual map of each fact based on the Issue or Evaluation status.

See About Fact Cards and Using Fact Cards  for more information.

hmtoggle_plus1Capture document metadata when importing files

Now when importing files into CaseMap, there is an option to automatically import and map the file metadata to a CaseMap object spreadsheet.

See About importing data and Importing linked files for more information.

hmtoggle_plus1Create New Custom Object Spreadsheet from Existing Object Spreadsheet

CaseMap now provides a way to create additional spreadsheets that are pre-configured with existing object type information.

See About spreadsheets and Creating custom spreadsheets for additional information.

hmtoggle_plus1Objects Recognition for Fact Entry

CaseMap now simplifies and reduces time in creating and linking objects for Fact Entry. Objects sent to CaseMap from PDFs and Word documents are automatically identified.

See About the Send to CaseMap Tool and Objects Recognition for Fact Entry for additional information.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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