Entering objects

When first entering objects in a new case, you have options for how you may want to proceed. Review each option and decide what works best for the case and case staff.  Data entered in spreadsheet cells is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record. Sub-level spreadsheet fields change as they relate to each spreadsheet.


You can enter objects by:

Typing all objects data in the All Objects spreadsheets
Typing object data by type into each sub-level spreadsheet
Use the Case Jumpstart Wizard to populate a Cast of Characters for a new case


After a case is populated with data, you have the option of entering objects on the fly. For example, you may be entering fact text information when you type in a person's name that has yet to be added to the case. You can enter it from the Facts spreadsheet without interrupting the task at hand. For more information, see the section below To enter objects on the fly.

As cases become populated with facts and issues, you may find some fields automatically display data when new objects are entered because case elements are linking.



Object spreadsheet detail dialog boxes are forms for capturing additional details in fields that are not visible in spreadsheet view. Click the Detail button to display the detail dialog box for a particular object in the spreadsheet.




hmtoggle_plus1To enter objects in the All Objects spreadsheet
1.On the Home tab, under More, click Add Object.

A blank object record automatically displays for you to start entering data.

Enter objects example

2.In the Object Type list, click on the object type (e.g., Person) for the record you are entering.
3.In the Full Name cell, type the full name for the object you are entering.
4.Press the Tab key.

Notice that a Short Name field entry is automatically created based on the Full Name entry.

5.Click OK.

The new record is added to the selected object type (e.g., Person) spreadsheet.

6.Click New Record button and click Objects to continue entering object records.

You can also press the Insert key to add a new blank record into a spreadsheet.

Record data is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To enter objects in sub-level spreadsheets
1.On the Home tab, click New Record, and then select the icon for the spreadsheet (e.g., Events) you want to open.

If this is a new case, a blank object record automatically displays for you to start entering data.

Enter objects example

2.In the Full Name cell, type in the full name for the object you are entering.
3.Press the Tab key.

Notice that a Short Name field entry is automatically created based off the Full Name entry.

4.Scroll to the right and enter additional field data as appropriate.
5.Click on the New Record button to continue entering object records as applicable.

You can also press the Insert key to add a new blank record into a spreadsheet.

Record data is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To enter objects using the Case Jumpstart Wizard

See the help topic Using the Case Jumpstart Wizard.

hmtoggle_plus1To enter objects "on the fly"

If you are entering facts and notice a person or organization has not been entered in the case, you can create one on the fly without having to stop and manually enter a record in an objects spreadsheet. You can identify an object that is new to the case because it does not display a Short Name Link Assistant entry when you type in the first three letters of the short name.

When you enter an object on the fly, only the full name and short name are created for the object record. You will later need to return to the sub-level spreadsheet and complete enter additional field information for that record.

1.Highlight the object's full name in the cell you are working in.
2.Right-click and then click Add Object.
3.In the Add Object dialog box, modify the Object Type, Full Name, or Short Name field data as needed.

Add Objects dialog box

4.Click OK to save the object record and continue typing the information you were currently entering.
hmtoggle_plus1To delete objects
1.In the object spreadsheet, click on the object record you want to delete.
2.Click the Delete Record button on the Standard toolbar.

The object record is now permanently deleted from the case.



When you delete an object record, you also delete links between the object and any associated case elements. Be sure to make note of any linked data prior to deleting a fact.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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