About objects

CaseMap's Objects spreadsheets are where you organize your lists of "nouns" or Cast of Characters regarding the case, including persons, places, events, documents, evidence, proceedings, and pleadings. When you read "object" in CaseMap, think of all the people, organizations, documents, and other things that have a role to play in the case.

The All Objects spreadsheet contains a grouping of persons, organizations, documents, and other object lists. The fields in this spreadsheet are common to all object types.

By using the All Shortcuts pane, you can further drill down into sub-level spreadsheets to view only the Persons listing or all Pleadings entered in the case. Fields are specific to individual object spreadsheets. For example, you will find a Phone Numbers field on the Persons spreadsheet and a Bates - Begin and Bates - End field on the Documents spreadsheet.


All Objects spreadsheet


Objects Spreadsheets Overview

All objects have both a full name and a short name.

Most sub-level object spreadsheet data is included in the master All Objects spreadsheet, specifically common fields.

* Additional sub-level spreadsheet fields that are not in the All Objects spreadsheet view are accessible by selecting the record and then clicking on the Record Detail button CM_record_detail_button.

When you enter data or update a description field, only object short names appear or are recognized. Full names disappear, even if this option is selected. Full names reappear as soon as you leave the cell.



hmtoggle_plus1Create a Cast of Characters first

We recommend that you enter a basic Cast of Characters into CaseMap at the beginning of each case to determine short name conventions and identify any names that might need short name modifications. Having object short names known before data entry and import speeds the data entry process and helps eliminate rework of duplicate entries and/or linking issues later.

Once the Cast of Characters is complete, we recommend that you manually enter the objects in the All Objects spreadsheet or sub-level spreadsheets to create and modify the short names. When case information is sent to CaseMap or imported later, all objects are then immediately recognized with automatic linking to case elements set in place — removing the need to manually link and connect it later.

hmtoggle_plus1Create generic short names for terms or groups

If you have a case where multiple people only need to be identified by a job or class, you may want to use a generic term as the short name instead of entering 150 or 150,000 people into the case.

Example: Terminal Operator

An organization may have 500 terminal operators in a class action lawsuit. By using "Terminal Operator" as the short name, you are simplifying data entry and streamlining searching and sorting options.

Example: Bloods or DEA

You may consider consolidating groups of two or more people into one name that best identifies the actual party. Members of a street gang or employees or members of an organization or department might better be identified in a group short name than individually.

hmtoggle_plus1Review tips for using object spreadsheets

Use object spreadsheets to produce document indexes, exhibit lists, witness lists, and a Cast of Characters report.

Reference the following list for of examples for using some of the sub-level object spreadsheets.


Tips for using object spreadsheets



Other Physical Evidence

Can be used as a catch-all for extra information.


Best used to aggregate a subset of facts based on one event; a primary contributing factor to a main fact.

For example, setting "The Company Picnic" as an event allows you to reference it in a number of facts and search for the set of facts connected to this event — all which may be critical the case.


Can more than just a physical address. A place can be an alley, a conference room, elevator, plot of land, etc.

Other Discovery

Track interview notes, request for productions, etc.

Demonstrative Evidence

Link and track charts, slide presentations, videos, photographs, and other files supporting the case.

Other Objects

Great for storing Lexicons, a dictionary or glossary of case jargon.



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