Research spreadsheets field list

Reference the following table for a comprehensive listing of the CaseMap fields available for use in the Research spreadsheets. You may also create custom fields to track and store information as needed.


There are two tables for the Research spreadsheets:

Extracts from Authorities



The Research - Authorities and Extracts spreadsheet  combines fields from the other two spreadsheets, so a separate table listing is not included.




hmtoggle_plus1Fields included in the Research - Authorities spreadsheet

Authorities Spreadsheet Field Listing

Field Name

What it Displays

Using It

Trait Fields




The citation of the authority field.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.


Tip: You have space to add multiple citations, if you want.

Date Verified

The date when this authority was last verified to ensure it was still valid.

Type a date in this field or use the Date Stamper. You can enter fuzzy dates such as 5/??/99.


The text defining the authority.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, use object short names.


An indication of the court from which the precedent came from.

Add your own values to the list of select N/A for statutes and other research elements where jurisdiction is not applicable.

Linked File

The name of the viewer associated with the linked file and the ID of the file or the path to it.

Click to display the Linked File Properties box to set up file viewers. Right-click to display a shortcut menu to view the file and specify the viewer used to display the file.

Linked Issues

The issues linked to the authority.

Type the short name of the issues linked to the authority. You can link as many issues as you want to a single authority — just keep typing issue short names.


Your name for the authority.

Type up to 255 characters. This name is used to link authority extracts to authorities.


Your comments about the authority.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, use object short names.

Related Files

Files that have been manually linked to a record in the spreadsheet. This field is only used in rare instances when it's deemed absolutely necessary to have additional files linked to a record.

Tip: Normally, the Linked File field is used to link a file to a record, especially when using the Send to CaseMap feature. Documents that have been linked into CaseMap can be linked to records in other spreadsheets by using the document short name in any description field that displays the chain-link symbol in the field title.

Read-only. Click the Ellipsis button in this field to add or remove related files.

Use with Caution: Files added to this field through the Related Files dialog box have to be individually re-linked if the files are moved. Files linked to this field will not be included in search results or reports. Related files will not be linked to other spreadsheets.


An indication of whether the authority is case law, a statute, or some other type of research.

Use one of CaseMap's predefined values or add a new value to the list.

Evaluation Fields




An indication of how important an authority is deemed to be.

Select a value (e.g., A - Extremely Critical) from the list CaseMap provides.

# Fields



# Authority Extracts

The number of extracts linked to the authority.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the extracts linked to the authority.

# Issues

The number of issues linked to the authority.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the issues linked to the authority.

# Open Questions

The number of open questions linked to the authority. Open questions have an answer status of Unaddressed on In Progress.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the open questions linked to the authority.

# Questions

The number of questions linked to the authority.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of all questions linked to the authority.

Update History Fields



Creation Author

The short name of the author who authorized the authority's entry.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the author's short name.

Creation Scribe

The short name of the scribe who entered the authority on behalf of the author.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the scribe's short name. If an author acts as a scribe (i.e., enters the fact in CaseMap), the author's name appears in this field.

Creation Time Stamp

The date and time when the authority record was entered.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the date and time for you.

Last Update Author

The short name of the author who requested the last update to the authority.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the author's short name for you.

Last Update Scribe

The short name of the scribe who made the last update to the authority.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the scribe's short name for you. If an author acts as a scribe (i.e., enters the updates), the author's name displays in this field.

Last Update Time Stamp

The date and time when the authority was last updated.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the date and time for you.

hmtoggle_plus1Extracts from Authorities field listing

Extracts from Authorities Spreadsheet Field Listing

Field Name

What it Displays

Using It

Trait Fields



Authority Name

The name of the authority from which a particular extract is being pulled.

Use the name of the appropriate authority from the list of choices or select the New Authority option.

Extract Text

The extract text from the authority sent from another application.

Holds up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, use object short names.


The text defining the authority extract.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, use object short names.

Linked File

The name of the viewer associated with the linked file and the ID of the file or the path to it.

Click to display the Linked File Properties box to set up file viewers. Right-click to display a shortcut menu to view the file and specify the viewer used to display the file.


Your comments about the authority extract.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, use object short names.


A numeric value that determines where the extract appears in the list pulled from a particular authority.

CaseMap updates the value of the order field for you automatically when you first enter extracts. If you want, you can later edit this value to rearrange how extracts are listed.

Related Files

The number of files related to a authority extract.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the number of files related to the question for you. Double-click to display the Related Files box to add and remove related files.

Evaluation Fields



Eval by [author's initials]

A symbol indicating the author's evaluation of whether the authority extract weighs for or against us.

Select a value (e.g., For Us, Heavily Against Us, etc.) from the list.


An indication of how important an authority extract is deemed to be.

Select a value (e.g., A - Extremely Critical) from the list CaseMap provides.

# Fields



# Issues

The number of issues linked to the authority extract.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the issues linked to the authority extract.

# Open Questions

The number of open questions linked to the authority extract. Open questions have an answer status of Unaddressed on In Progress.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the open questions linked to the authority extract.

# Questions

The number of questions linked to the authority extract.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of all questions linked to the authority extract.

Update History Fields



Creation Author

The short name of the author who authorized the authority extract entry.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the author's short name.

Creation Scribe

The short name of the scribe who entered the authority extract on behalf of the author.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the scribe's short name. If an author acts as a scribe (i.e., enters the fact in CaseMap), the author's name appears in this field.

Creation Time Stamp

The date and time when the authority extract record was entered.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the date and time for you.

Last Update Author

The short name of the author who requested the last update to the authority extract.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the author's short name for you.

Last Update Scribe

The short name of the scribe who made the last update to the authority extract.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the scribe's short name for you. If an author acts as a scribe (i.e., enters the updates), the author's name displays in this field.

Last Update Time Stamp

The date and time when the authority extract was last updated.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the date and time for you.


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