Issues spreadsheet field list

Reference the following table for a comprehensive listing of the CaseMap fields available for use in the Issues spreadsheet. You may also create custom fields to track and store information as needed.


Issues Spreadsheet Field Listing

Field Name

What it Displays

Using It

Trait Fields



Burden of Proof+

The level of proof (e.g., preponderance) associated with the issue.

Select an existing value from the list or add an additional one. If the issue is not a legal issue (e.g., plaintiff is greedy), select Not Applicable.


A description of the issue.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, use short names.

Full Name

The name of the issue.

Type up to 255 characters. CaseMap uses the issue's full name to generate a default issue short name.

Jury Instruction

The text of the proposed or actual jury instruction for the issue.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.

Legal Flag

The classification of an issue as legal or non-legal (e.g., the race issue in the OJ Simpson case would be an example of a non-legal issue).

Select or clear the check box.

Related Files

Files that have been manually linked to a record in the spreadsheet. This field is only used in rare instances when it's deemed absolutely necessary to have additional files linked to a record.

Tip: Normally, the Linked File field is used to link a file to a record, especially when using the Send to CaseMap feature. Documents that have been linked into CaseMap can be linked to records in other spreadsheets by using the document short name in any description field that displays the chain-link symbol in the field title.

Read-only. Click the Ellipsis button in this field to add or remove related files.

Use with Caution: Files added to this field through the Related Files dialog box have to be individually re-linked if the files are moved. Files linked to this field will not be included in search results or reports. Related files will not be linked to other spreadsheets.

Short Name

The issue's short name. To automatically link facts, objects, and questions to issues, you must refer to issues by their short names as you enter information.

CaseMap creates a default short name for you based on the issue's full name. You can change this default name at any time, as often as you want. Type a single word up to 30 characters.

Subject of MSJ Flag

An indication of whether the issue is likely to be included in a Motion for Summary Judgment.

Select a value from the list (e.g., Yes, No, Not Applicable).

Evaluation Fields




An indication of whether an issue is particularly important.

To indicate an issue is key, select the check box.

Tip: You can check the box by double-clicking it or by pressing the SPACEBAR.

# Fields



# Authorities

The number of research authorities linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the research authorities to the issue.

# Demonstrative Evidence

The number of demonstrative evidence ideas linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the demonstrative evidence ideas linked to the issue.

# Documents

The number of documents linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the documents linked to the issue.

# Extracts

The number of authority extracts linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of authority extracts linked to the issue.

# Facts

The number of facts linked to the issue.

* If the number in the parent issue is larger than the tally of the sub-issues, it means that one or more facts has been linked to the parent issue but not linked to any sub-issues.

Read only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the facts linked to the issue.

# Facts Disputed by Opposition

The number of facts linked to the issue with a status of: Disputed by Opposition.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the disputed facts by us linked to the issue.

# Facts Disputed by Us

The number of facts linked to the issue with a status of: Disputed by Us.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the disputed facts by us linked to the issue.

# Key Facts

The number of key facts linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the key facts linked to the issue.

# Objects

The number of questions linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the persons, organizations, documents, and other objects types linked to the issue.

# Open Questions

The number of open questions linked to the issue. Open questions have an answer status of Unaddressed or In Progress.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the open questions linked to the issue.

# Persons

The number of persons linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the persons linked to the issue.

# Prospective Facts

The number of prospective facts linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the prospective facts linked to the issue.

# Questions

The number of questions linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the questions linked to the issue.

# Undisputed Facts

The number of undisputed facts linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the undisputed facts linked to the issue.

Update History Fields



Creation Author

The short name of the author who authorized the issue's entry.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the author's short name.

Creation Scribe

The short name of the scribe who entered the issue on behalf of the author.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the scribe's short name. If an author acts as a scribe (i.e., enters the issues in CaseMap), the author's name displays in this field.

Creation Time Stamp

The date and time when the issue record was entered.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the date and time for you.

Last Update Author

The short name of the author who requested the last update to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the author's short name for you.

Last Update Scribe

The short name of the scribe who made the last update to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the scribe's short name for you. If an author acts as a scribe (i.e., enters the updates), the author's name displays in this field.

Last Update Time Stamp

The date and time when the issues was last updated.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the date and time for you.


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