Objects spreadsheet field list

Reference the following table for a comprehensive listing of the CaseMap fields available for use in the Objects spreadsheet. You may also create custom fields to track and store information as needed.


There are two tables for the Objects spreadsheets:

Fields common to all object types
Fields unique to specific object types (sub-level spreadsheets)


hmtoggle_plus1Fields common to all object types

Fields included in the following table are commonly used in the All Objects spreadsheet and sub-level object spreadsheets.

Objects Spreadsheet Field Listing — Common

Field Name

What it Displays

Using It

Trait Fields




A description of the object.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to persons, organizations, documents, and other objects by their short names.

Full Name

The name of the object.

Type up to 255 characters. CaseMap uses the object's full name in conjunction with its object type to generate a default object short name.

Linked File

The name of the viewer associated with the linked file and the ID of the file or the path to it.

Click to display the Linked File Properties box that you use to set up file viewers. Right-click to display a shortcut menu that allows you to view the file and specify the viewer you will use to display the file.

Related Files

Files that have been manually linked to a record in the spreadsheet. This field is only used in rare instances when it's deemed absolutely necessary to have additional files linked to a record.

Tip: Normally, the Linked File field is used to link a file to a record, especially when using the Send to CaseMap feature. Documents that have been linked into CaseMap can be linked to records in other spreadsheets by using the document short name in any description field that displays the chain-link symbol in the field title.

Read-only. Click the Ellipsis button in this field to add or remove related files.

Use with Caution: Files added to this field through the Related Files dialog box have to be individually re-linked if the files are moved. Files linked to this field will not be included in search results or reports. Related files will not be linked to other spreadsheets.

Role in Case

A description of the connection between the object and the case (e.g., 'Eyewitness to the accident' or 'First officer on the scene'.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.

Object Type

An indication as to whether the object is a person, an organization, a document, another type of physical evidence, an event, a place, or some other type of thing.

Select the appropriate object type from the list. CaseMap uses the object's type in conjunction with its full name to generate a default object short name.

Short Name

The object's short name. To ensure consistency in your case information, refer to persons, organizations, documents, and other objects by their short names as you enter in CaseMap's description fields.

CaseMap creates default short names for you based on the object's full name and its object type. You can change this default name at any time, as often as you want. Type a single word of up to 30 characters.

Evaluation Fields



Eval by [author's initials]

A symbol indicating the author's evaluation of whether the issue weighs for or against us.

Select a value (e.g., For Us, Heavily Against Us, etc.) from the list.


An indication of whether an object is particularly important.

To indicate an issue is key, select the check box.

Tip: You can check the box by double-clicking it or by pressing the SPACEBAR.

# Fields



# Facts

The number of facts linked to the object.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the facts linked to the object.

# Issues

The number of issues linked to the object.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the issues linked to the object.

# Key Facts

The number of key facts linked to the object.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the key facts linked to the object.

# Open Questions

The number of open questions linked to the object. Open questions have an answer status of Unaddressed or In Progress.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the open questions linked to the object.

# Prospective Facts

The number of prospective facts linked to the issue.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the prospective facts linked to an issue.

# Sourced Facts

The number of facts being sourced from the object.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the facts being sourced from the object.

# Undisputed Facts

The number of undisputed facts linked to the object.

Read-only. CaseMap counts the links for you. Double-click to display a list of the undisputed facts linked to the object.

Update History Fields



Creation Author

The short name of the author who authorized the object's entry.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the author's short name.

Creation Scribe

The short name of the scribe who entered the object.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the scribe's short name. If an author acts as a scribe (i.e., enters the fact in CaseMap), the author's name appears in this field.

Creation Time Stamp

The date and time when the object was entered.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the date and time for you.

Last Update Author

The short name of the author who requested the last update to the object.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the author's short name for you.

Last Update Scribe

The short name of the scribe who made the last update to the object.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the scribe's short name. If an author acts as a scribe (i.e., makes the physical updates), the author's name displays in this field.

Last Update Time Stamp

The date and time when the fact was last updated.

Read-only. CaseMap enters the date and time for you.


hmtoggle_plus1Fields common to unique object types

Fields included in the following table are unique to the sub-level object spreadsheets noted.

Objects Spreadsheet Field Listing — Unique

Field Name

What it Displays

Using It





The person's business, home, and other addresses.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.

Address: Email

The person's email address.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.

At Trial+

Indicates if the person will appear at trial and the likely method of testimony.

Select an existing option from the list or, if the option you want is not listed, add a new value.

Calling Party+

The name of the party that is calling the witness to testify.

Select a party from the list or, if the option you want is not listed, add a new value.


The name of the counsel who represents the witness.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.

Deposition Date

The date for which the deposition is scheduled or the date on which the deposition was taken.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates, such as 05/??/99.

Deposition Status+

Whether or not the person has been deposed.

Select an existing option from the list or, if the option you want is not listed, add a new value.


Whether the person is female or male.

Select Female or Male. The values in this field are fixed. It is is not an open-ended list.

Phone Numbers

The person's business, home, and other phone numbers.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.


The person's title.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.

Works For+

The name of the person and/or organization for which the person works.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to the persons and organizations by their short names.





The name of the author(s) of the document.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to the persons and organizations by their short names.

Bates - Begin

The beginning Bates number associated with the document.

Type an alphanumeric value of up to 35 characters of text.

Bates - End

The ending Bates number associated with the document.

Type an alphanumeric value of up to 35 characters of text.

Copied To

The names of individuals receiving a copy (cc:) of the document.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to the persons and organizations by their short names.


The date of the document.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates such as 05/??/99.

Depo Ex. #

The deposition exhibit number of the document.

Type up to 35 characters of text.

Mentioned In

The names of individuals mentioned in the document.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to the persons and organizations by their short names.

Producing Party+

The name of the party that produced the document.

Select an existing party from the list or, if the party you want is not listed, add a new value.


The names of the individuals who received the document.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to the persons and organizations by their short names.

Sent Via+

Whether the letter or other type of document was sent by mail, overnight delivery service, or other option.

Select a method from the list, or if the method you are looking for is not listed, add a new value.

Trial Ex. #

The trial exhibit number of the document.

Type up to 35 characters of text.

Physical Evidence



Bates #

The range of Bates numbers, if any, associated with the piece of physical evidence.

Type a range of numbers using up to 35 characters of text.

Trial Ex. #

The trial exhibit number of the document.

Type up to 35 characters of text.





The names of individuals who attended the event.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to the persons and organizations by their short names.

Begin Date and Time

The date and time when the event began.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates such as 05/??/99.

End Date and Time

The date and time when the event ended.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates such as 05/??/99.


The location of the event.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.




Address: Business

The organization's physical mail address.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.


The organization's email address.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.

Phone Numbers

The organization's phone number.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text.





The date of the pleading.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates such as 05/??/99.


The type of pleading (e.g., Complaint, Answer, Reply).

Select an existing value from the list of options or add a new one.





The names of those attending the deposition.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to persons by their short names.


The date of the proceeding.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates such as 05/??/99.

Notice Date

Date of notice.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates such as 05/??/99.

Subpoena Served

An indication of whether or not a subpoena has been served.

To indicate Yes, select the check box.

Tip: You can check the box by double-clicking it or by pressing the SPACEBAR.


An indication of whether the proceeding has or has not been completed.

Select an existing value from the list of options or add a new one.


An indication of the type of hearing (e.g., deposition, grand jury hearing, arraignment).

Select an existing value from the list of options or add a new one.

Other Discovery



Response Date

The date a response was received.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates such as 05/??/99.

Response Received

An indication of whether or not a response has been received.

To indicate a response has been received, select the check box.

Service Date

The date of service.

Type a date directly or use the Date Stamper. This field supports the use of fuzzy dates such as 05/??/99.


The type of discovery (e.g., Interrogatory, Request for Production, Request for Admission, Interview).

Select an existing value from the list of options or add a new one.

Demonstrative Evidence



Estimated Cost

An estimate of what it will cost to produce the visual.

Type a number up to 35 characters of text.

For Use By

The name of the individual(s) who will use the visual during trial or other proceeding.

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to persons, organizations, documents, and other objects by their short names.

Mission Statement

An explanation of the intended impact of the visual. What should the judge think after seeing this visual?

Type up to 10,000 characters of text. To ensure consistency, refer to persons, organizations, documents, and other objects by their short names.

Production Status+

An indication of how far along this visual is in the production process.

Select an existing value from the list of options or add a new one.

Trial Ex. #

The trial exhibit number of the visual.

Type up to 35 characters of text.


The type of visual (e.g., blow-up, chart, model, video).

Select an existing value from the list of options or add a new one.


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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