LexisNexis for Customers

As a leader in the information services industry, we want to assure you that we take privacy and security very seriously. We work with our customers and others in the industry to improve data security and privacy protections. Our security team works to continually refine our data protection processes to ensure the availability, confidentiality and integrity of data. We also ask for your assistance in helping safeguard sensitive consumer information, your practice or business and our products.

Why is LexisNexis concerned about security?

The Internet is continuously facing growing and more sophisticated security threats. As such, LexisNexis has been increasing security and strengthening the processes to safeguard its information. LexisNexis has also undertaken an aggressive program to implement a number of improvements to its customers' password and ID administration and security processes. These measures include password strengthening, IP restrictions and truncating Social Security Numbers (SSNs) displayed in non-public documents and narrowing the types of customers with access to full SSNs and driver's license numbers.

LexisNexis understands and accepts the responsibilities associated with safeguarding data. We work closely with our customers to ensure they too understand and accept the responsibilities associated with use of the data by their employees. This information is privileged to our legitimate, licensed customers and helps to provide a safe workplace, prevent fraud, reduce the risk of terrorist attacks, and help find missing children, among other important applications.

How do you protect my information?

LexisNexis has systems security intended to ensure the availability, confidentiality and integrity of data. We have multi-layered systems for IT, IS and physical security. We use industry-standard access control software and methods that include vulnerability analysis, rigorous intrusion detection systems and regular penetration testing. Our information and system security professionals continuously refine these processes as threats evolve.

LexisNexis serves many high-level U.S. government agencies and other customers that have extremely stringent data security requirements and share our concern for data protection and individual privacy. LexisNexis continues to set the standard for serving these customers.

What can I as a customer do?

While many of our customers, including lawyers, information professionals and others, use various LexisNexis products containing publicly available information, we recognize that responsible professionals within financial institutions, corporations, law enforcement, and federal, state and local government often need access to personal-identifying information such as SSNs so they can effectively and efficiently authenticate identities. We believe these customers, who have legally permissible use of this information, have a vital role in combating credit fraud, delivering financial services, providing homeland security, protecting our community and workplace and finding missing and exploited children.

Identity Security Resources