IP Training for TotalPatent®

Access the largest online collection of enhanced first-level patent data available to you from a single source.

Research and analyze patent data and protect intellectual property quickly and easily with the world’s largest collection of searchable full-text and bibliographic patent databases, including images, citations, legal status, and patent family collections.

  • Protect, develop and maintain assets
  • Understand competitors and acquisition targets
  • Be confident you’re not overlooking critical information
  • Analyze your research results quickly and easily
  • Rest assured with a dedicated IP support team
On this site you'll find videos and documents to help you get the most from your use of TotalPatent®.

Take the new TotalPatent® e-Training (Video)

FAQs TotalPatent® Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 209 KB)

  • West Virginia University Case Study (TotalPatent® in the classroom) (PDF 310 KB)
  • Woods Oviatt’s Use of TotalPatent® Provides IP Lawyers with Confidence That All Bases Have Been Covered in Patent Research (PDF 136 KB)
  • Benoît & Côté Select TotalPatent® After Head-to-Head Test Against Competitors; Find it Produces Better Results at Lower Costs (PDF 126 KB)
  • Lang Michener Switches to TotalPatent® for Patent Research, Generating Superior Search Results and Reducing Research Time (PDF 129 KB)
  • Patent Quality: It's Now or Never, A LexisNexis white paper by Brian Elias (PDF 248 KB)
  • The Revolution in Patent Information Publishing, a LexisNexis white paper by Richard Garner (PDF 340 KB)

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