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  • Blog Post: Crime & Punishment - October 24 2016

    Crime In Florida The FLORIDA Supreme Court rules that death penalty verdicts must be unanimous. The ruling strikes down a Sunshine State law that allowed for capital punishment verdicts when just 10 of 12 jurors agree. It is yet to be determined how or if the ruling will impact the 386 people currently...
  • Blog Post: Crime & Punishment - April 10 2017

    Alabama Approves HB 36 The ALABAMA House approves HB 36 , which would extend the Heart of Dixie’s so-called “stand your ground” law, which allows people to use deadly force to defend themselves, to include churches. It moves to the Senate (DECATUR DAILY). Texas Approves HB 1729...
  • Blog Post: Crime & Punishment - April 17 2017

    Texas Approves HB 281 The TEXAS House approves HB 281 , which would create a statewide database for DNA evidence from sexual assault. It moves to the Senate (AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN). Iowa Approves SB 444 The IOWA Senate gives final approval to SB 444 , which would require Hawkeye State drivers...
  • Blog Post: Crime & Punishment - May 1 2017

    Crime In Colorado The United States Supreme Court rules that people freed from prison when their convictions are reversed deserve a refund of what they paid in fees, court costs and restitution. The ruling also orders COLORADO to refund several thousand dollars to two defendants, a woman and a man...
  • Blog Post: Crime & Punishment - May 22 2017

    California Approves SB 439 The CALIFORNIA Senate approves SB 439 , which would ensure that counties treat juvenile offenders 11 or younger in the child services system instead of the juvenile courts. It moves to the Assembly (ASSOCIATED PRESS). Texas Approves SB 12 The TEXAS House approves SB...
  • Blog Post: California Projected to Lose $329M to Cybercrime in 2018

    California will have the highest cybercrime losses of any state this year, according to analysis of data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Insurance Information Institute by Website Builder Expert. The website development adviser estimates that total cybercrime losses by individuals in...
  • Blog Post: Data Privacy Laws, Hackers Put New Emphasis on Cyber Insurance

    The impending California Consumer Privacy Act and other state data privacy laws have done more than motivate companies to rethink how they manage consumer data; it also has many organizations thinking more than ever about how they manage their cyber insurance coverage. Once considered a niche product...