Creating SQL cases from CaseMap templates

If you are a CaseMap user, you can create a new SQL case from a CaseMap SQL template. This feature is similar to how you create cases from templates in CaseMap, but can now be done in the CaseMap Admin Console for SQL cases.

When you create a new SQL case from a CaseMap SQL case template, you have the option to copy case staff and/or case issues into the new case. If you choose to copy case staff, then each user's spreadsheet views, saved searches, and case/form preferences set in the template are copied into the new SQL case. No other spreadsheet data or settings can be copied from a case template.


SQL Cases pane > Case template display


CaseMap SQL case templates are identified by a blue icon, so you can easily identify them in the SQL Cases pane of the CaseMap Admin Console and distinguish them from individual SQL cases (yellow icon). Template names will also display in the Template Name drop-down listing in the New SQL Cases dialog box when new SQL cases are created.

Before you can start creating SQL case templates, you need to ensure that Microsoft SQL Server has been configured to support this functionality. For more information, see Configuring SQL Server for CaseMap templates.


Follow these steps to create SQL CaseMap templates:

Configure SQL Server for CaseMap templates
Create a new SQL case to be used as a template
Mark the new SQL case as a template
Create a new SQL case from the existing SQL case template



You can use an existing CaseMap local case to create a SQL case template. Use the CaseMap SQL Import Utility to migrate the local case to the SQL case file format. Then register the case in the CaseMap Admin Console and mark it as a template. For more information, see About SQL cases and Bulk importing CaseMap cases.


hmtoggle_plus1To create a SQL case for use as a template
1.In the CaseMap Server pane, click on SQL Cases.
2.Click the New SQL Case button on the toolbar.
3.In the New SQL Case dialog box, select CaseMap SQL.
4.Next select Create a new SQL case database and then click OK.
5.In the New CaseMap SQL Case dialog box, click on the CaseMap version you want in the Version list.

New CaseMap SQL Case > Create a new template

6.In the Case Name field, type in a name for the new SQL case in the Case Name field.

The maximum for a case name is 100 characters.

7.In the Client Matter No. field, type in the client matter number (optional).

The maximum client matter number is 100 characters.

8.In the Description field, type in a case description (optional).

The maximum description is 200 characters.

9.In the Default Time Zone drop-down listing, click on the time zone where most of the events in the case occur.
10.In the Template Name drop-down listing, click CaseMap Default Template.

The CaseMap Default Template option displays by default until you have created one or more templates.

Once new SQL cases are marked as templates, the template names will display in alphabetical order for selection in the Template Name drop-down listing.

11.In the SQL Server drop-down listing, select the SQL Server that will host or store this case.
12.In the Database Name field, type in the SQL database name.

The maximum SQL database name is 128 characters.

13.Select whether to use a new database or use an existing database:
Create the new database on the SQL Server
Use an existing empty database on the SQL Server
14.Click the Test Connection button.
15.In the message box to confirm the connection, click OK.
16.In the message box, click OK to continue.

The case now displays in the SQL Cases pane.

17.Click Close when you are finished.
hmtoggle_plus1To mark the new SQL case as a CaseMap template
1.In the CaseMap Server pane, click SQL Cases.
2.Right-click on the new SQL case template you created and click SQL Case Properties.

SQL Case Properties > Case is a template

3.In the Case Information area, select the Case is a template check box.
4.Click the Test Connection button.
5.In the message box, click OK.
6.Click Apply, then click OK to save the setting.

The case template now displays in the SQL Cases list with a blue icon to identify it as a template.

The new case template name also displays in the Template Name drop-down listing when new SQL cases are created.

hmtoggle_plus1To create a new SQL case from a SQL template
1.Follow Steps 1-9 to create a new SQL case.

New CaseMap SQL Case > Create from a template

2.In the Template Name drop-down listing, select the template you want to use for the new SQL case.

If you choose the CaseMap Default Template option, you will create a new SQL case based on an empty case template (no users or case issues).

3.Select the Copy Users check box to include the template's case staff in the new SQL case.
4.Select the Copy Issues check box to include the template's case issues in the new SQL case.

You cannot copy any other spreadsheet detail into the new SQL case: users and issues only.

5.Complete Steps 11-17 to create the new SQL case from the selected template.

When the new SQL case is opened in CaseMap, the users and case issues included in the template display in the new case.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 877.301.0344. The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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