Configure accessibility options

CaseMap provides the following options that assist screen reader software to call out menu items and the contents of spreadsheet cells.

hmtoggle_plus1To enable accessibility options
1.On the File menu, click Options and then click Accessibility.
2.In the Accessibility Options dialog box, select the check box to enable the option:
Use standard Windows menu in place of ribbon. This option changes the style of the main menu bar so that screen reading software can call out menu items.
Select all text when entering spreadsheet cells. This option changes the default selection behavior of spreadsheet cells so that when a cell is clicked, text is selected and screen reading software can call out the contents of the cell.
3.Click OK in the message box, then click OK again in the Accessibility Options dialog box.
4.Restart CaseMap for changes to take effect.
hmtoggle_plus1To reset the menu from Windows-style to CaseMap ribbon-style
1.On the Tools menu, click Options and then click Accessibility.
2.In the Accessibility Options dialog box, clear the Use standard Windows menu in place of ribbon check box.
3.Click OK in the message box, then click OK again in the Accessibility Options dialog box.
4.Restart CaseMap for changes to take effect.


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